3 Natural Plant Based Recipes For Mindful Eating

These three recipes are recipes I actually use every week. The ingredients are easy to find at the grocery store, won’t break your grocery budget, and even allow you to do some meal prep so all you have to do for breakfast or lunch is grab and go.

What is mindful eating? That’s a great question. To answer, it might be just as helpful to look at what mindful eating isn’t…which is something I was doing on the daily before I started using these recipes. Most of the time I tend to eat whatever tastes the best, regardless of if it has protein or just empty carbs and regardless of whether it includes any servings of fruits or veggies. Sound familiar? 

Mindful eating doesn’t mean you miss out on all the flavors and deliciousness food has to offer, it just means you prepare delicious food while also making sure you’re taking advantage of all the nutrients that food has to offer. 

  1. Shaved Carrot Salad

Also known as the “Tik Tok Carrot Salad.” I’m obsessed with the version made by @samantha_lucy! According to a Healthline article, “Carrots are a particularly good source of beta carotene, fiber, vitamin K1, potassium, and antioxidants.”

They also have a number of health benefits. They’re a weight-loss-friendly food and have been linked to lower cholesterol levels and improved eye health.

What’s more, their carotene antioxidants have been linked to a reduced risk of cancer.”


4 medium sized carrots

1 tsp sesame oil

1 tbsp rice wine vinegar

Juice of half a lime

2 tsp sesame seeds

Salt and pepper to taste 

(I like to add a dash of soy sauce or some yum yum sauce!)

Just use a vegetable peeler to peel your carrots into thin strips and mix all the ingredients together! I put this salad in a mason jar and bring it to work as a super easy and healthy lunch. 

If you’re looking for some protein I recommend using lime beans instead!

Did you know carrots can be applied topically to enrich your skin? Our Honey Carrot and Tangerine Face and Body Soap is wildly popular and is made with fresh carrot juice!

  1. Overnight Oats

There is so much you can do with this base recipe for vegan overnight oats by @healthygirlkitchen! Rolled oats are a great source of fiber and have lots of other nutrients that benefit by way of weight loss and dropping of cholesterol levels. Plant based milks are often low in calories and are a good source of protein. Nuts and hemp seeds are a great source of protein and berries are full of antioxidants!

Photo by Ovidiu Creanga on Pexels.com


½ cup rolled oats

¼ cup yogurt

½ cup almond milk 

1 tbsp maple syrup

Top with berries, hemp seeds, and nuts

I just throw all the ingredients into a mason jar, stir, and add my berries and nuts on top. I prep five jars at a time and I have breakfast ready to go for the next five mornings!

Variations: this recipe is awesome because it is so easy to customize! For example, I substituted honey for the maple syrup, hemp milk for almond milk, and I’ve also added a tablespoon of nutella or peanut butter for extra flavor! This week I tried adding a little coffee!

Did you know oatmeal is extremely soothing for skin too? Which is why we made a Oatmeal Lavender Body Bar soap bar!

Chia Seed Pudding

According to a Healthline article, “The antioxidants, minerals, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids in chia seeds may promote heart health, support strong bones, and improve blood sugar management.” Cinnamon also has benefits such as antioxidants and the ability to lower blood sugar!


3 tbsp chia seeds

1 tsp cinnamon

¼ tsp vanilla extract

1 tbsp maple syrup

1 cup plant milk

Mix and mix again after 5 mins let sit overnight or for 1 hour.

Hope this helps make meal prep just a little bit easier and a little bit healthier! It sure made the difference for me!

Much Love,
