Summer Skin Care

Is It Just As Or More Important Than Winter Skin Care?

With the much anticipated seasonal release of our Limited Edition Summer Skin Saver soap bar, we are invited to ask the question on the importance of summer skin care. If you’re anything like me, you probably grew up hearing about the importance of washing your face morning and night, using SPF to protect against the suns harmful rays, and using clean products. And if you’re ANYTHING like me, you grew up trying every product known to man that was marketed for Acne Prone Skin. But how much of the success of our perfectly honed skin care routine comes down to the season? Yes, that’s right! How much can we blame our skins irritations and imperfections on wether is it Summer or Winter. Join me as we unpack the impact the seasons have on our skin, the benefits of our Limited Edition Summer Skin Saver soap bar, and much more…

Do The Seasons Really Effect Our Skin?

To put it simply, Yes! Seasons and changes in seasons can play a huge roll in the health and life of our skin. In the Winter for example, it is usually dry and cold which can lead to dry and chapped skin prone to cracking. And in the Summer it is usually hot and humid which can lead to sweating, oily skin and breakouts, and sunburns, or hot and dry which can lead to skin dryness and irritation and sunburns that don’t heal very well. With this information in mind, it can help us to adjust our skin care routine, the products we are using, and our daily habits to promote healthy skin no matter the season. In the winter, it is vital to consume extra water as a part of your daily routine and use really healing and moisturizing products to fight against the dryness. So what should we do in the Summer to keep our skin safe?

How To Protect Our Skin In The Summer

1. Products

The products we use in the summer and leading up to summer really sets us up for either failure or success with our skin. Make sure that you are using products appropriate for your skin type, products that will boost hydration in your skin, and avoiding products that can cause harmful damage to your skin. Some of the products I would recommend for summer skin are our limited edition Summer Skin Saver Bar and organic herbal salve. You will also be able to find amazing moisturizers and other skin care products on our website, Another product to pay attention to, is your SPF or sunscreen (we will talk about this a little bit in the Diet section as well, but you’ll want to pay attention here too.) We have been told over and over again to wear our sunscreen if we don’t want sunburns, skin pigmentation issues, and even skin cancer. But have you ever thought that maybe it’s what we’re putting on our bodies (and in our bodies, but more on that later) and what it does when it comes into contact with the sun that is the problem? Did you know that sunscreen (or sunblock) started out simply as zinc oxide? But over the years pharmacists, doctors and manufactures started adding more and more ingredients to create what we know sunscreen to be today. However, studies have shown that there are more harmful ingredients living inside your average bottle of sunscreen than good. And we have found that when these harmful ingredients are put in contact with the sun, they react negatively to those rays actually causing skin cancer and other issues. This can happen on such a microscopic level that we have no idea what is actually happening to our skin when we apply these harmful chemicals. Instead, look for a sunscreen with minimal ingredients, the main one being zinc oxide! Some great options to try are the Earth Harbor ECLIPSE Sheer Mineral Sunscreen SPF 30 that we actually offer in our AVNS Boutique, the Alba Botanica Sheer Mineral Sunscreen Lotion, and the Babo Botanicals Sheer Mineral Sunscreen Lotion SPF 50.

2. Diet

Did you know that what we put into our bodies plays a bigger role in the health of our skin then the products we put on it? It’s true! The products we apply topically morning and night can only do so much to help our skin. What we choose to put inside our bodies will show on our skin. For example, if we partake in a few alcoholic beverages in a weekend without proper rehydration, our skin will show the effects in dryness and dullness with puffiness and bloating in our face and neck. And if we eat a lot of refined sugars, it will most likely make itself known in the next day or two with breakouts/acne and puffiness in the face and neck.

The health of our skin is also a sign of gut health. Do you have dull skin, acne that won’t seem to go away, and dark circles under your eyes even after a good night of sleep? This might be a sign of and unhealthy gut and it might be time to invest in some quality pre and probiotics to help your guts microbiome.

Did you know that seed oils increase the sensitivity of your skin to the suns UV’s? This is a theory that is still in discussion, however most people (myself included) have noticed that with the elimination of seed oils from their diet, the time they were able to be outside in the sun without their skin getting irritated by the sun (sunburned) went up drastically. Plus the severity of the sunburn and rate of recovery from that sunburn dropped (yes, this is a good thing.) Seed oils were first introduced to the United States as early as 1911. Cottonseed Oil was developed and marketed by Procter & Gamble as a creamed shortening called Crisco which was then made available to the public. The first sunscreen in the United States was invented in 1944 by a pharmacist named Benjamin Green which would later become known as Coppertone Suntan Lotion. Coincidence? I think not, but let me know what you think in the comments.

3. Routine

Making sure we have a healthy routine in place, will help the health of our skin for years to come. Getting 8-9 hours of sleep each night, drinking 80 – 100oz of water each day, getting a good sweat in during a workout (but making sure to shower and wash your face afterwards), and applying clean and natural products to our skin after it is cleaned. Staying away from inflammatory foods such as refined grains, refined sugars, and seed oils, taking a high quality pre and probiotic, eating fermented foods, and keeping alcohol consumption in a minimum will all greatly improve the over all health of your skin not just on your face but your whole body during the summer months. Do you love spending time outside in the summer? I mean who doesn’t? One of the best ways to get your skin used to the stronger UV rays from the sun is to sit outside or do something in the sun for very short periods of time everyday. 5, 10, or 15 minutes a day for a couple of weeks and making this a part of your routine will help your skin to acclimate to the suns stronger rays during the summer and reduce the risk of a nasty sunburn.

Summer Skin Saver Limited Edition Soap Bar

With summer comes an increase in outdoor activities, and our skin takes a beating. The negative effects of sun, wind, bugs, and added opportunities for scratches and scrapes require some tender loving care and attention. Gently wash and protect your skin with our limited edition Summer Skin Saver Bar. Super-fatted with lanolin, the oil sheep secrete to keep them warm, dry, and protected, this bar not only cleanses, but it forms a barrier on the skin that locks in existing moisture while at the same time attracting additional moisture from the surrounding air. This barrier created by lanolin is helpful for skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema as it can help seal and protect skin, while also allowing it to breathe and attract moisture.

But that’s not all! Unrefined organic cocoa butter and mango butter add an extra boost of moisturizing benefits while white kaolin clay makes this bar smooth and silky on your skin. We’ve also scented this one with uplifting citrus fruit essential oils. In selecting these essential oils, we made sure that each one either by the nature of the oil itself or by the way it was produced, is NOT photosensitive. Enjoy this zesty, sweet, sparkling bar of happiness for all people everywhere.

Natural Deodorant Creme

Moisturize and deodorize those pits with our all natural, aluminum-free deodorant cremes. Made with anti-bacterial, odor absorbing ingredients like organic virgin coconut oil, diatomaceous earth, aluminum free baking soda, arrowroot powder, and white kaolin clay, our natural deodorant creme is safe and effective.

Our unscented version fights hard with the anti-bacterial, odor absorbing base ingredients (perfect for sensitive skin), while our regular deodorant adds an extra level of protection with the antibacterial essential oils of tea tree, lavender, and lemon.

Organic Herbal Salve

Chock full of soothing, certified organic herbs infused in a base of organic, extra virgin olive oil and unrefined beeswax, this organic herbal salve is amazingly multi-purpose and economical. Apply it to rashes, bug bites, sun burn, wounds, dry, cracked skin, bruises, diaper rash and more!

St. John’s wort has historically been known to help speed up the healing process and prevent scarring, Echinacea has a long history of success with venomous stings and bites and is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Comfrey & Yarrow have astringent properties and have been used to promote cell regeneration and healing. Plantain is acclaimed for its ability to relieve bee stings, insect and spider bites and rashes. Calendula is impressive because of its ability to speed healing, improve the appearance of the skin, lower inflammation, and protect the skin against infections. Rosemary has natural antiseptic properties, which makes it a superior disinfectant for our skin. It can also help protect skin cells from damage often caused by the sun and free radicals. Grapefruit seed extract is an excellent anti-fungal agent.

Keep a jar of this on your counter top! It is safe for your children to grab and put on their frequent summer scratches, bites, and rashes.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the appropriate skin care routine at any time of year is very important. But during the summer, there are things we want to be aware of that will set us up for either failure or success in the seasons to follow. The seasonal changes play a huge roll in the health and overall wellbeing of our skin and we want to make sure we are giving our skin the best chance to have the best summer this summer and every summer after. Make sure you are using natural, clean products on your skin. Make sure you are cleansing well and applying healing products back on to your skin. If you are using an SPF or sunscreen, make sure it is clean with minimal ingredients with the main one being zinc oxide. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water, avoiding large amounts of alcohol, eating fermented foods, taking pre and probiotics, and staying away from seed oils in your food. Set up a healthy routine, getting plenty of sleep, getting a good workout or sweat in, and spend a few minutes outside every day to let your skin get acclimated to the sun. And stock up on our favorite summer skin care products like the Limited edition Summer Skin Saver Bar, All natural, aluminum-free deodorant cremes, and organic herbal salve. Most importantly, don’t forget to have FUN this summer! Summer is an amazing season full of fun, days on the water, bonfires, and time out of doors with family and friends. So enjoy it! It is only here for a short time, so make the most of it starting TODAY.

If you found this post interesting, learned something new, or think of someone who might enjoy reading it too, please share this blog post with your family and friends. It means the world to us! You can also leave us a comment to let us know what you learned or share one of your favorite skin care tips with us. We would love to hear from you!

All my love and have happy week,

Amanda Pehrson

5 Most Popular AVNS Natural Beauty Blogs of 2021!

Need some reading material?! These have been our top reads for 2021!

  1. Argan Oil Vs. Jojoba Oil For Hair and Skin

Learn what the difference is between argan oil and jojoba oil and see what happens when I style half my hair with one and half my hair with the other! 

“Jojoba Oil is gleaned from the Jojoba plant which can be found growing in southwestern states. An important thing to note is that, “although jojoba oil is often categorized as an “oil” because of its pale yellow, transparent, liquid appearance, it is actually a liquid wax ester” (NCBI). Before you go dismissing jojoba oil as some melted candle juice, just remember that wax ester is actually used to make the skin soft and that wax treatments are very popular at spas…so does that make jojoba oil like a secret, portable spa treatment?”

  1. Is a Hair Rinse Important?

Marianne goes over what makes up a hair rinse and why it is such a great step to add to your hair care routine!

“Whenever hair becomes wet, the scales raise or soften slightly. Damaged hair also has raised scales, or “roughed up” cuticles. When washing hair with hard water, a high mineral content made up of mostly calcium and magnesium combine with the soap and form deposits on your hair (under and around the scales) weighing it down. Your hair may feel sticky and dirty no matter how often you wash it. Which is why a rinse can be so beneficial”

  1. Apple Valley Natural Soap’s 5 Best Smelling Shampoo Bars

We put our shampoo bars to the test and these were voted the 5 best smelling natural shampoo bars! Make sure to check out our recently updated “Customer’s favorite natural body soap bars of 2022”

“Bella Rose Shampoo Bar! Who else guessed this bar would steal first place? I certainly did! The sweet scent of this bar is intoxicating and reminds me of spring. It’s loaded with rose hips, the fruit of a rose that is known for its amazing skin benefits and deep, rich pigment. This bar is perfect for a head of fiery curls and I would strongly, strongly support the recommendation to pair this soap with our Sweet Rosehips Body Polish!”

  1. 5 Things You Should Know Before Using A Natural Soap or Shampoo Bar

This blog is a great read for beginners and pros alike! It’s a simple read that will teach you everything you need to know about using our soap and shampoo products!

“Did you know letting your shampoo bar dry properly makes a huge difference? It seems like a minor issue, but when you’ve got a half melted soap bar welded to your tub or counter I guarantee you probably won’t be smiling or laughing. Letting your bar dry out between uses is so important to the lifespan and appearance of your bar! A soap mat is the easiest solution to this problem.”

  1. 3 Important Skincare Tips For Mature Skin

Over the hill or almost over it? There are lots of ways you can keep your skin in tip top shape. I interviewed my beauty guru grandma to see what some of the most important tips are for mature skincare.

“Author at, “Elise Marquam-Jahns is a professional makeup artist who is passionate about helping women 50+ get their glow back. She is the founder of Boomer and Beyond Beauty and recently launched “Boomer and Beyond Beauty with Elise” – a makeup and beauty YouTube channel specifically designed for women over 50.”

I spent the week emailing with this sophisticated skincare expert (and watching her informative Youtube videos) to learn as much as I could about how to best care for mature skin.”

Happy Reading!

Much Love,


Soaps for Eczema and Other Skin Conditions

Please note that although the natural soaps mentioned in this blog have worked wonders for many customers, none of them are intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease. 

The Benefits of Natural Soap

Dealing with skin conditions like eczema, acne, rashes, or even sensitive skin? Not a fan of expensive lotions, extensive skincare routines, and acne-kits that burn your face and bleach your towels? Try starting with a bar of natural soap. Natural soap is not a guaranteed miracle cure, but its unique composition and nature of ingredients has benefits that many of our customers agree have brought relief to skin conditions from acne to eczema. How is this possible? Natural soap is made in such a way that it retains moisturizing elements. Unlike many mass produced bar soaps, natural soaps clean your skin while also imparting additional hydration and moisture which helps soothe and strengthen skin. Natural soap is made with natural ingredients, the basic components of which are less likely to aggravate problematic skin. Natural ingredients also have so many natural vitamins and minerals that benefit your skin and keep it clean and clear! This combination of hydration and natural nourishment makes natural soap a wonderful starting point for skin conditions at a great price! 

This week I’ll go over some very common skin conditions that many people deal with. I’ve also pulled some of our top soap bars that have time and time again helped with customer’s biggest skin issues!


Eczema can wreak havoc on the quality and appearance of your skin. Discoloration, dryness, bumpy or scaly texture, itchiness, and sensitivity are all symptoms that may accompany eczema. Eczema is caused by a gene variation that causes skin to be unable to retain moisture and keep bacteria and irritants out. Eczema often precedes asthma and can also be triggered by food allergies, especially in children. There is no cure for this condition, but supplying skin with moisture can help relieve symptoms.


Acne surfaces when your skin is clogged with oil and bacteria. Acne can range from mild whitehead and blackheads to deep cystic acne. Acne can be difficult to prevent, since there are so many factors that cause acne. Diet, hormones, and day to day contact with surfaces are all reasons why you might have acne. Over the counter acne remedies are expensive, only work short term and can oftentimes aggravate the skin further. Check out a great, natural acne routine here!

Sensitive Skin

Having sensitive skin varies incredibly from person to person. Sensitive skin is any skin that is abnormally prone to a reaction of some sort. Acne, rashes, dryness, and discoloration can all be the results of sensitive skin. Many people with sensitive skin have to be extra careful about what skin products they use because certain detergents, dyes, and fragrances can easily cause the skin to react. Finding products that work best for your skin is the easiest way to combat sensitive skin, but the road to finding those products may not be easy or enjoyable!

Calendula Castile

Uniquely formulated with organic virgin olive oil and calendula, this simple bar has been a wild success for many customers and is a huge hit with the babies!

“I had developed flaking skin around my nose and on my cheeks. probably an allergy. After using this soap for about 10 days, that condition is nearly gone. A wonderful product, would recommend it to anyone who has sensitive skin. Will buy it again.”

“I just love this bar of soap. It makes my 9-month-old’s skin soft and clean. He had a spot of diaper rash on his bum that was stubbornly hanging around and this soap moisturized it and helped it to heal. Hooray! It cleans us all up quite nicely and doesn’t leave behind any scent. I am all for simple when it comes to products that I use on my kids. Basically, I have tried to limit the things I put on their bodies and only use edible ingredients. Not that we *would* eat soap, but the ingredients are pretty simple nonetheless :-).”

“I use this bar on my daughter who has eczema, it is so mild and soothing for her skin. I use it on my 9 month old too. It feels good knowing that I am using something natural on their sensitive skin. Love all the products from Apple Valley Natural Soaps.”

Acne Battle Face and Body Bar

Neem oil, clay, and oats make this bar a powerful tool in combating bacteria, impurities, and build-up. 

“I have dealt with cystic acne on my chin for the past 15 years. It was so deep that nothing could quite go deep enough into the skin layers to deal with the inflammation, and the top layers of skin were thicker in the acne spots. Since using these soaps for the past 6 weeks as well as a exfoliator 2 times a week and tea tree oil applied each time, and It seems the layers of skin have been able to soften and bring up the cysts. 4 of the spots have healed completely already and 2 more are beginning to reduce and are much less inflamed. My skin overall is smoother and more even in skin tone. My skin’s moisture level seems much better balanced as well. I am looking forward to my chin being healed completely in the coming weeks. Thanks Apple Valley.”

“I just received my second order of acne battle bar. First off, the shipping is extremely speedy and the customer service is great. Second, the soap itself lasts a very long time. Third, it really does the job (just be patient and give it time) to heal your acne, cleanse your face and leave you feeling extremely refreshed afterwards. With acne there are no quick fixes but this soap has a combination of detoxing and cleansing ingredients that work extremely well. The neem oil (Indian plant that is known to be a purifier) is a nice touch that is hard to find in many western products. Try this soap out, I’ve recommended it to many friends and I’ll be buying this stuff for years. I can’t imagine using any other kind of soap. Thanks so much Apple Valley!”

“Ok I am 40 with seriously oily skin that is constantly broken out. Been dealing with this since I was in 4th grade. I try everything on the market just to see. I spend 150.00 a month on really expensive cleansing cream and acne cream to help. The routine was ok but I still had enough acne I would not go out without makeup on. My daughter (16) told me about the shampoo bars and I decided to try this acne bar. Again I try everything for this problem. I can’t believe my results. I was so worried it would make my acne worse but it has been a lifesaver. I am saving so much money. It’s so simple, one product. My face has just a few and I mean few small pimples. It isn’t dried out. I have yet to use an acne cream with it. And I can go without makeup because you really can’t even see the few pimples I do have! I could cry I am soooo happy. All my life dealing with this problem and this simple bar has taken care of my wreck of a face and turned it into something I can let the world see without embarrassment! If you have problems you really got to try it. It took only three days to notice a difference. I have used this now for two months. The only time I break out is well we all know. But even then it isn’t bad. I can’t say enough how wonderful this is”

Unscented Coconut Bar

Just pure coconut. Moisturizing and cleansing!

“For some reason, my skin decided to get really sensitive to everything. I tried different coconut bars with no success. All of them had added ingredients that continued to irritate my skin. I found this website and was excited to try another soap, but with only one ingredient…coconut. It worked!! No sensitivity. My rash and eczema went away and now I am left with happy skin. Thank you so much. I am definitely a believer in this soap. Please do not ever stop selling this soap. I love it so much. It’s unscented, leaves your skin feeling clean, soft and doesn’t leave it feeling dried out.”

“I was plagued with eczema and numerous cysts that kept appearing and I had no answers from my doctors. Nothing was helping and I was so miserable. I searched and searched for a soap that was natural, scent free and made of only coconut. Natural coconut has antibacterial and antifungal properties that are so good for your skin. This soap leaves your skin soft and clean without that tacky soap feeling. I am happy to say my eczema and cysts went away within a week and have not been plagued with it since. I love this soap. Please do not stop carrying this product. It is the best I have found on the market.”

More Soaps That Could Change your Life

The following soaps have been reviewed continually for their skin-improving abilities! Feel free to read through the reviews for yourself!

Honey Carrot and Tangerine Face and Body Bar

Basil and Lemongrass Salt Bar

Cocoa Butter and Vanilla Bean Face and Body Bar

Charcoal Detox Face and Body Bar

Much Love,


3 Sustainable and Eco-friendly Makeup Brands You Have to Try

Apple Valley Natural Soap is your place to find sustainable, eco-friendly skincare and haircare products, but do you have somewhere to go when it comes to make-up? Hopefully someday Apple Valley Natural Soap will be able to fulfill those needs, but for now check out these three sustainable, eco-friendly make-up companies! These ethical make-up brands will make the perfect finish after you’ve used your favorite ethical products from your favorite ethical soap company!

Elate Beauty

Elate Beauty supplies an extensive variety of sustainable makeup including “eye makeup (pressed and loose powder, mascara, eyeliner and brow balm), face makeup (foundation, powder, concealer, blush, highlighter, bronzer), lipstick, lip gloss, palettes (which you can custom create for your complexion) and kits.”

According to Sustainable Jungle, all of their products “are cruelty-free International certified, PETA certified vegan, and gluten free.”

About Elate Beauty

90% of this Canadian company’s ingredients are organic and they work hard to use fair trade whenever possible. They are continually working to replace non-natural ingredients with natural ones in hopes of becoming 100% natural.

One of Elate Beauty’s current goals is to feature only zero-waste beauty products and reusable, refillable bamboo packaging. It’s the coolest thing ever, new refill product is delivered in seed paper and then after you’ve put the new product in the original bamboo containers you can wet the seed pouch and plant it in your garden!

What does Apple Valley Natural Soap love about this company? We love that this company is vegan, cruelty free, non-toxic, and has ethical sourcing and thoughtful packaging just like we strive to!

100% Pure

About 100% Pure’s Ethical Makeup Line

100% Pure makes fruit-pigmented cruelty-free and Fair Trade makeup including but not limited to foundation, mascara, and lip-tints! All coloring for products comes from produce and their only mineral ingredient is Mica.

While many of their products are vegan (including some awesome makeup brushes made from recycled plastic bottles) some do contain beeswax.

Their packaging is recyclable and can be recycled at home or brought into a store location for the in-store recycling program, how neat is that!?

About 100% Pure

According to sustainable jungle “100% Pure was co-founded and run by three individuals that prioritize corporate responsibility, change, and transparency.”

“We only use fair trade farmers and distributors who ensure us that they are only fair trade. We also work with numerous charities around the world that help to create sustainable jobs for countries in need.”

According to Sustainable Jungle‘s article (read full article for extended list of clean makeup companies!), “for every order placed, 100% Pure donates either one bowl of vegan dog food (of which a single bowl can save to 2 livestock animals, 90 lbs of grain, 2000 gallons of water, and 60 sq. ft. of rainforest) to animal shelters…if you’d prefer, you can instead opt for your purchase to plant one tree through Trees for the Future. Either way, they’re making a difference. “

Apple Valley Natural Soap loves that this company donates to a good cause and cares about where their ingredients come from!

Mad Hippie

With a mission to encourage and create beauty from within, Mad Hippie’s products are crafted to help kick-start that journey from the outside while making a difference in the world as well.

This company strives to create naturally-based skincare and makeup products and has a supercool sun-protection line in addition to makeup products. They avoid using silicones in their products and use eco-friendly packaging whenever possible.

Here’s a statement from the company about their efforts to give back to the community, “We take our responsibility to the planet seriously & that’s why we are always working to further reduce our carbon footprint and impact on the environment.  From utilizing bioresin sugarcane tubes, to printing with soy inks on FSC certified paper, giving $1 of every web sale to conservation, and controlling our downstream waste through a partnership with Terracycle, Mad Hippie is dedicated to the preservation of the planet.”

Did You Find What You Were Looking For?

I hope that if you’re looking for clean makeup options you may have an idea or inspiration of where to start! If you’ve tried any of these brands, let us know what products you’d recommend!

Much Love,


Is Coconut Oil Good For Your Skin and Hair?

Many sources claim that coconut oil is a versatile skincare product and household product. 

Coconut oil has been recommended as a natural way to help heal acne, due to its antibacterial properties. 

Coconut oil has also been used as a remedy for dry hair, as it supposedly is extremely capable of locking in moisture.

Is coconut oil truly a wonderful product? With every good review comes bad press, too. Today we’ll sort through all the info on coconut oil to find out whether it is the product for you.

What is coconut oil?

According to healthline “Coconut oil is a highly saturated oil that is traditionally made by extracting the oil from raw coconuts or dried coconut kernels”

Coconut oil is known for its high medium-chain fatty acids content. These acids are a form of saturated fats and make up a large part of coconut oil’s composition.

What kinds of fatty acids are in coconut oil?

According to heathline, here is a breakdown of the fatty acid content in coconut oil:

  • Lauric acid: 49%
  • Myristic acid: 18%
  • Caprylic acid: 8%
  • Palmitic acid: 8%
  • Capric acid: 7%
  • Oleic acid: 6%
  • Linoleic acid: 2%
  • Stearic acid: 2%

These fatty acids are extremely useful in skin care and health in general. Lauric acid is known for its antimicrobial properties, and oleic and linoleic acid are both great anti-aging skincare ingredients that help plump the skin and protect the skin’s barrier. 

What are the benefits of coconut oil for skin and hair?

Photo by Robert Goldenowl on

Coconut oil prevents protein loss in hair

Hair that is over moisturized or lacks protein can benefit from coconut oil, which imparts protein and also helps maintain protein.

Coconut oil may have sun protection benefits

Studies have found that coconut oil can help block UV rays.

Coconut oil may help prevent acne and other skin infections

The high lauric acid content is to thank for this. Applying coconut oil to the skin may help work to prevent and treat skin conditions because of its microbial properties.

What are the negatives of coconut oil for skin and hair?

Coconut oil is a popular trend, so it is natural that it would receive some backlash, but what exactly are the cons?

Pure coconut oil is not for all hair types

Using coconut oil on hair that is naturally more dry and coarse can actually create a protein build-up, leading to even dryer, more brittle hair.

Pure coconut oil is not for all skin types

Coconut oil is thicker and is rated a 4 on the comedogenic scale, meaning it has a high capacity for clogging pores. If you constantly use coconut oil on your skin and notice that you have clogged pores you may need to cut down on use or find a different product. You should probably not use coconut oil on your face.

Do we use Coconut Oil in our skincare products?


We utilize the best elements of coconut oil in our products while avoiding the more problematic aspects. How? Many of our ingredient lists will include “saponified oils of organic coconut.” The key word here is saponified. When coconut oil is saponified it becomes a soap! This means that we enhance the cleansing aspect of coconut oil. Our dreamy, bubbly Organic Coconut Soap Bars are made from pure coconut and essential oil blends with additional benefits. Our skincare products that use coconut oil, such as our whipped baby butters, are designed for dry skin areas such as legs and arms, not your face. We also use coconut milk as a special ingredient in some of our soaps like our Key lime Shampoo Bar because it imparts the same amazing benefits with a lighter touch so you won’t have to worry about build-up!

Thanks so much for tuning in!

Much Love,


What Makes This The Best Natural Body Wash For Summer?

Limited Edition Summer Skin Saver

Whether you’re constantly in and out of the pool, hiking the trails of northern Minnesota, or working a summer job that keeps you outdoors from dawn to dusk, you’ll need to make sure you’re protecting your skin from the constant presence of sun, wind, and water this summer. In response to nature’s call of the wild, we created an amazing bar of natural soap designed to protect against dry, burnt skin. What makes this bar so unique? You’re about to find out!

Why Use a Natural Soap?

Around this time of year, you’ll probably start seeing a lot of big brand soaps hit the shelves that claim they are, “extra moisturizing” or are “made with argan oil for extra hydration.” But if you were to flip over that bottle and take a look at the entire list of ingredients you’d see that argan oil is only one ingredient in a long list of chemical ingredients you can’t even pronounce. Putting one drop of argan oil in a five ounce bottle is not the same as a 2 ounce bottle of pure, organic argan oil. Unlike mass produced soaps which are made with filler ingredients, Natural soaps are made with natural ingredients which oftentimes have additional benefits and run a lower risk of irritating sensitive skin. We work hard to make sure every ingredient we use in a product is contributing some sort of benefit.

Ingredients in Summer Skin Saver Bar

Saponified Oils of Organic Coconut

Photo by Daria Shevtsova on

Coconut oil is a gentle and effective cleanser due to its fatty acid content. The best part is its ability to moisturize hair and skin and the thick lather it creates! Check out our Coconut Bars for pure coco-nutty BLISS!

Organic Sustainable Palm

This base ingredient is crucial to the soap making process, it gives you a nice hard bar and will enhance lather when mixed with coconut oil. Rated a 1 on EWG’s Skin Deep, this ingredient has little to no risks of causing cancer or containing any kind of toxicity, 

Organic Sunflower

Sunflower oil is FANTASTIC because it is a 0 on the comedogenic scale, which means it won’t clog pores. This oil can be used to moisturize any skin type…and that isn’t all it will do!

According to an article on Healthline, sunflower oil contains antioxidant vitamin E, so applying it topically to skin will allow your skin to benefit from vitamin E (think anti-aging properties, protection from sun-damage…all that awesome stuff). Sunflower oil also contains linoleic acid, an important component of helping the skin retain moisture as well as acting as an anti-inflammatory aid.

Unrefined Organic Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter is high in fatty acids, which means it locks moisture into your skin and helps improve elasticity. 

Mango Butter

Photo by Daria Shevtsova on

Mango butter functions similarly to cocoa butter, but also has an abundance of vitamin E and C which help protect your skin from sun-damage.


A powerful, natural wax secreted by animals with wool coats. Lanolin protects the most sensitive skin from the natural elements. Read more about the uses of lanolin HERE!

Castor Bean

Castor bean is a skin soother, it is both anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial and can be used on sensitive skin.

White Kaolin Clay

White Kaolin Clay is the gentlest of all cosmetic clays and works to draw impurities out of your skin without completely drying skin out. Read about all the different types of cosmetic clays we use in our products!

Essential Oils of Bergamot 

Adding a floral and spicy note, this essential oil has wonderful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Essential Oils of May Chang

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Contributing a light, sweet refreshing scent, this essential oil is used for leaving skin smooth and soft.

Essential Oils of  Lime

Fresh  and tart, this essential oil has antiviral and disinfecting properties

Essential Oils of Tangerine, Orange and Clementine

Bright and citrusy, these essential oils have antifungal properties that also work against skin and scalp problems such as dryness and dandruff!

What Do You Love Most About Our Summer Skin Saver Bar?

Our Summer Skin Saver Bar is extremely popular and sells out fast so make sure you stock up now!


Much Love,

Natural Products For Sensitive Skin

Do You Have Sensitive Skin?

I embrace my sensitive skin!

If you’re someone with sensitive skin looking for a skincare routine let me ask you this: have you considered your natural skincare options? As a company focused on making skincare and haircare products with natural ingredients like aloe, oatmeal, and chamomile (just to name a few), Apple Valley Natural Soap is already familiar and knowledgeable when it comes to catering to the needs of sensitive skin. Why? Because natural ingredients such as aloe, oatmeal, and chamomile are some of the best ingredients for sensitive skin! If you’ve been searching for sensitive skin face wash, sensitive skin body wash, sensitive skin moisturizer, or even sensitive skin deodorant we’ve got some incredible natural options for you that won’t break the bank.

What is Sensitive Skin?

Sensitive skin is any skin type that is more prone to adverse reactions when it comes in contact with…well…a lot of different things. I personally have skin that is prone to flushing, acne, and outdoor allergens. Chemicals, allergens, pet dander, dyes, fragrances, and even natural elements can all be irritants for sensitive skin, and different skin reacts differently. Sensitive skin isn’t limited to rashes. Sensitive skin includes acne-prone skin, over-oily skin, dry skin, and even more. Sensitive skin problems aren’t just limited to face and hands either – although these are common locations, but can be found on the back, décolletage, feet, and armpits…really, there is no area of the body that is safe from sensitive skin. So how do you find products that target all of these sensitive skin areas and give your skin some tender loving care? You can start with checking out these sensitive skin products below!

Sensitive Skin Face Wash

Best Face Wash For Dry, Easily Irritated Skin

Unscented Coconut Bar

A hard, long-lasting, super sudsy, uber moisturizing organic coconut oil body bar made with 100% organic coconut oil and nothing else.

Ingredients: saponified organic coconut oil. No added scent.

Does it work?

“For some reason, my skin decided to get really sensitive to everything. I tried different coconut bars with no success. All of them had added ingredients that continued to irritate my skin. I found this website and was excited to try another soap, but with only one ingredient…coconut. It worked!! No sensitivity. My rash and eczema went away and now I am left with happy skin. Thank you so much. I am definitely a believer in this soap. Please do not ever stop selling this soap. I love it so much. It’s unscented, leaves your skin feeling clean, soft and doesn’t leave it feeling dried out.”

– Happy Customer

Best for Sensitive Baby Skin and Sensitive Mature Skin

Calendula Castile Bar

A Calendula Castile bar, using 100% organic virgin olive oil, deeply penetrates the skin with its moisturizing and nourishing chemical structure. A true Castile soap is the most gentle and mild of soaps, safe even for babies and those with ultra-delicate skin. You will not get a bubbly lather from a Castile bar, but rather a rich, thick, creamy, highly emollient lather that is perfect for shaving. This is our favorite bar to use on babies and small children and one of our bars is less expensive than other Castile soap brands such as Dr. Bronner’s. This is the bar of choice if anyone in your family has eczema. True Castile soaps made with only olive oil are a gentle and effective option for even the most sensitive of skin.

Ingredients: saponified organic extra virgin olive oil and organic calendula petals.  No added scent.

Does it work?

“This product has transformed my skin. It has never been so smooth or so soft. I use it with an eco-friendly soap bag, for both my shower and for washing my face. I am receiving compliments on the way my skin looks! I am over 60 and I feel I look several years younger than that.”

-Happy Customer

“Both I and my daughter have used this for 3 years…since she was 2! She has very sensitive skin that dries out badly with regular soap. Nether of us even has to use a moisturizer (except occasionally in winter) with this bar since it doesn’t strip the moisture out of the skin. Can’t say enough good things about it!”

-Happy Customer

Best Face Wash For Acne-prone Skin

Acne Battle Face and Body Bar

In a fight with acne? Looking for an anti-bacterial acne soap for pimples and oily skin? This antibacterial soap for acne is formulated with special weapons like organic neem oil, a powerful anti-bacterial oil known to be highly beneficial for battling epidermal conditions. We then included olive, grapeseed and jojoba—oils that do not clog pores, but may help heal acne scars. Bentonite clay works to draw impurities from the skin; colloidal oatmeal gently exfoliates dead skin cells (check out Adventures in Knottyland’s DIY Oatmeal bath recipe); and essential oils like tea tree and lavender, known for their anti-bacterial, antiseptic properties, make this acne soap a beneficial and natural choice for oily or combination skin.

Even though this soap was created for fighting acne, an additional benefit is the combination of ingredients which are known to be helpful with skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Neem oil as mentioned, has strong anti-bacterial properties and helps clean up any skin infections that may have developed because of cracked broken skin, it also helps soothe skin redness and irritation. When combined with other effective ingredients such as olive oil, shea butter, oats and helpful essential oils of lavender and tea tree, the natural immunity and health of skin can be enhanced.

Ingredients: saponified oils of organic olive, grape seed, organic coconut, organic neem, organic shea nut butter, organic jojoba, and castor bean, colloidal oats, bentonite clay, rosemary oil extract, and essential oils of organic tea tree, lavender, lemon, organic eucalyptus, and organic rosemary.

Does it Work?

“I ordered this for my daughter in Ohio. I live in Maryland. She called me on day crying about her face and her esteem was hurting her. She has been using the soap for a couple of weeks now and it is working awesomely…thank you so much for being there. I found this website just typing in treatment for painful acne. Thank you again.”

-Happy Customer

Sensitive Skin Body Wash

Cocoa Butter and Vanilla Bean Face and Body Bar

Moisturizing for dry skin.

Ingredients: saponified oils of a madagascar vanilla bean infused organic extra virgin olive, organic cocoa butter, and organic coconut oil. No added scent.

Does it Work?

“This bar is so moisturizing for my face, and makes my skin feel so soft, I can use less moisturizer. I live in southern California and the air is quite dry and hot, this bar is wonderful! I love it!”

-Happy Customer

Sensitive Skin Moisturizers

Moroccan Argan Oil

A 0 on the comedogenic scale, this is one of the world’s most rare and potent beauty serums, this unrefined (virgin), certified organic, Moroccan argan oil is rich in nutrients, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids. As a non-greasy, fast absorbing oil, it offers better protection for skin and hair than any other oil on the planet. Argan oil is high in something called oleic acid and even though it’s still considered a “dry” oil, meaning it won’t leave an oily residue and will absorb quickly, it’s an oil which will keep the skin moisturized, help battle the loss of elasticity and reduce inflammation. Oleic acid adds a richness to oils, making argan oil an excellent deep moisturizer. It penetrates easily and deeply into the skin’s surface, replenishing lost moisture that naturally comes with age, it also helps the moisture from evaporating.

Argan oil’s benefits for skin are many, here are the highlights:

  • Enriched with antioxidants it protects skin from sun damage and helps with skin repair from sun exposure.
  • Moistures skin, packed with vitamin E and fatty acids it hydrates, nourishes and moisturizes effectively and replenishes skin cells.
  • Prevents and reduces stretch marks as it helps improve skin elasticity.
  • Heals infections with it’s anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Speeding up the healing process of wounds, infections and burns is a wonderful benefit of this amazing oil.
  • Treats acne, heals blemishes and even’s out skin tone.

Lavender Lotion Bar with Jojoba Oil

Our luxurious Lavender Lotion Bars combine nutritious organic oils and butters with the healing power of organic lavender essential oil for a powerhouse of moisturizing properties for your skin. With a lighter textured than our Creamy Butter Bar, this lotion is great for everyday use or problematic skin. With the inclusion of organic virgin jojoba, organic virgin coconut oil, unrefined organic cocoa butter, unrefined organic shea nut butter and powerful organic lavender essential oil, this lotion bar is a wonderful option for a wide range of skin types from the delicate, to the problematic.

Why lavender essential oil? Because of its many health benefits for the skin, most of which can be attributed to its antiseptic and anti-fungal properties. Lavender essential oil is widely used to treat various skin issues such as acne, wrinkles, psoriasis, and other inflammatory conditions, it is also commonly used to speed up the healing process of wounds, cuts, burns, and sunburns because it improves the formation of scar tissues.

Ingredients: unrefined beeswax, organic coconut oil, unrefined organic cocoa butter, unrefined organic shea nut butter, organic virgin jojoba, organic virgin olive oil, organic lavender essential oil and vitamin E oil (from non-GMO sunflower oil). All of our organic ingredients are USDA Certified Organic.

Natural Deodorant Creme For Sensitive Skin

Moisturize and deodorize those pits with our all natural, aluminum-free deodorant cremes. Made with anti-bacterial, odor absorbing ingredients like organic virgin coconut oil, diatomaceous earth, aluminum free baking soda, arrowroot powder, and white kaolin clay, our natural deodorant creme is safe and effective.

Our unscented version fights hard with the anti-bacterial, odor absorbing base ingredients, while our regular deodorant adds an extra level of protection with the antibacterial essential oils of tea tree, lavender, and lemon.

Made with safe, natural ingredients you can trust:

Organic virgin coconut oil, organic virgin jojoba, organic arrowroot powder, aluminum free baking soda, diatomaceous earth, white kaolin clay and unrefined beeswax.

Our ‘regular’ version also contains essential oils of lavender, organic tea tree, and lemon.

Does it Work?

“I really like this natural deodorant. It works really well. I feel better knowing I’m putting something natural on my skin. I have very sensitive skin so I wasn’t sure how this would be on my underarms. Thank you for a wonderful product!”

-Happy Customer

Sensitive Skin Solved

I hope this week’s blog was helpful in providing natural options for sensitive skin care. If this is your first read on the AVNS blog, WELCOME! Check out our Facebook for giveaways and featured soaps, and follow our blog for weekly articles on natural beauty tips, skincare, and haircare. To browse through all our delicious products: click here!

Much Love,


An All-Natural Acne Skin-Care Routine That Works

A skincare routine for your teens, 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond!

Having acne isn’t easy, it’s painful and deemed by society to be utterly embarrassing. Even if you’re on the warpath to defeating acne…those stinky, burning, drying prescription medications and specialized “acne kits” marketed and curated to cure acne can oftentimes do nothing for your skin and make the problem even worse. 

What if there was a natural and effective skin-care routine for acne that actually worked? Well, according to countless customer testimonies and some carefully formulated products, we may have found a solution for your skin whether you’re a teen or an adult.

Adult Acne

Acne as a teenager is common, but for some reason we are led to believe that once you hit those magic twenties all your acne vanishes (cue hitting a giant red button that says “WRONG!”). If you’re like me, you’ve probably realized that this isn’t the case and that acne could even be a lifelong struggle. 

Lifestyle Causes of Acne

Photo by cottonbro on

Even the most perfect skin-care routine in the entire world won’t cure your acne if there are external causes or habits contributing to acne. There are many factors that can lead to acne…from diet to what you wash your face with and it varies from person to person. Acne is often the visible reaction of your skin fighting bacteria. Paying attention to what you’re doing when you notice acne show up can help you prevent future acne flare-ups. Here are some common causes of acne that I have noticed in my day to day life that are mostly related to spreading bacteria to my face.

  • Constantly touching your face
    • Your hands pick up bacteria everywhere and every time you touch your face it transfers.
  • Not keeping nails short enough
    • Maybe having long nails works for you as a reminder not to touch your face, but since I am already a habitual face-toucher I try to keep my nails short so that the amount of bacteria that can linger and fester under my nails is limited
  • Not Routinely keeping phone or laptop clean
    • Your phone and laptop are breeding grounds for bacteria because you touch them with your hands constantly and then you either touch your face or hold your phone up to your face…allowing those germs to travel!
  • Not changing your pillowcases often enough
    • Your pillowcase is your face’s main landing pad and that grime accumulates over the course of even a week.
  • Not drinking enough water

3 Step Natural Skin Care Routine For Acne

Once you’ve started combating the acne causing obstacles in your life, you’ll need a skin-care routine that takes care of the rest. Our recommended 3 step acne routine includes a natural cleanser, a natural hydrosol toner, and a natural moisturizer.

Natural Cleanser: Acne Battle Bar

Just wet your face with warm water, lather this soap bar all over your face and other acne problem areas, rinse with warm water, and pat dry with a clean cloth

This antibacterial soap was formulated for acne and contains a list of powerful natural ingredients and was created to be used on oily, dry and combination skin.

Organic neem oil: a powerful anti-bacterial oil known to be highly beneficial for battling epidermal conditions. 

Olive, grapeseed and jojoba oil: These oils do not clog pores, but may help heal acne scars. 

Bentonite clay: works to draw impurities from the skin. 

Colloidal oatmeal: gently exfoliates dead skin cells

Essential oils like tea tree and lavender: are known for their anti-bacterial, antiseptic properties.

Customer Reviews

You’ve heard me say it before and I’ll say it again: honest customer reviews are the best way to evaluate whether a product may work for you. What I love about these reviews is that they offer honest dimension and are an example of how this bar works off the page. Yes, some customers only need this bar, some may use this bar in conjunction with other natural products to see the best results, some must use it for a longer period of time to let their skin adjust to the new routine!

“I swear by this bar! I am not someone who battles with acne on a daily basis but I use this bar to help prevent the occasional blemish! I’m on my 4th bar and will never try anything else!”

-Happy Customer

“I bought Acne Battle and Charcoal Detox soap and use both twice daily. I have dealt with cystic acne on my chin for the past 15 years. It was so deep that nothing could quite go deep enough into the skin layers to deal with the inflammation, and the top layers of skin were thicker in the acne spots. Since using these soaps for the past 6 weeks as well as a exfoliator 2 times a week and tea tree oil applied each time, and It seems the layers of skin have been able to soften and bring up the cysts. 4 of the spots have healed completely already and 2 more are beginning to reduce and are much less inflamed. My skin overall is smoother and more even in skin tone. My skin’s moisture level seems much better balanced as well. I am looking forward to my chin being healed completely in the coming weeks. Thanks Apple Valley.”

-Happy Customer

“I have been dealing with acne for MANY years. I’ve been on several different prescription and non-prescription treatments. I’m really liking the Acne Battle Bar. I started with a sample, and I’ve since ordered a full bar. The smell isn’t great, but it’s not an issue for me. It lathers well even with my hard water. As I’ve gotten older, my skin has gotten more sensitive. Also, I live up north. As the temperatures drop, my oily skin becomes dry. The Acne Battle Bar definitely agrees with my skin. Some reviewers have seen immediate or remarkable results. Unfortunately, I have not. I still have some pimples, but I believe they’re smaller and are healing more quickly than they used to. Plus, my goal was to get off ProActiv. I have accomplished that and me and my skin are both happy!”

-Happy Customer

Natural Toner: Calming 

You can spritz this toner directly on your face, or saturate a cotton round and then gently apply it to your face or affected area.

This toner is made with orange blossoms hydrosol along with fruit extracts of papaya and mango – faintly sweet, floral, and citrusy. This toner is perfect for oily skin.

Calming Facial Toner also contains alpha hydroxy acids which help exfoliate the skin, and is anti-inflammatory so helps soothe and calm skin inflammation like acne, eczema etc. It is also antibacterial, which is another reason it’s great for treating acne, plus is highly astringent (works to dry bacteria), as well as rich in vitamin C…an antioxidant that protects against free radicals, combats fine lines and wrinkles, and encourages supple skin.

Natural Moisturizer: Jojoba Oil, Argan Oil, or Hemp oil

Just a few drops to a pump of one of these oils will go a long way when applied to your face. 
Each oil has countless benefits so knowing your skin type will help you determine which oil works best for you.

Jojoba Oil

This Oil Works Best For: Everyday use for every skin type and oily skin.

Mimicking natural healthy skin oil, jojoba won’t clog your pores. The benefits of jojoba are numerous and unparalleled. Jojoba is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and easily absorbed into the skin, leaving no oily residue. It is used to maintain skin elasticity and leaves skin literally glowing. You can use jojoba to remove makeup, combat conditions like athlete’s foot, dandruff, eczema, skin bacteria and other skin infections. To read more about the wonders of Jojoba oil for hair click here!

Argan Oil

This Oil Works Best For: Dry skin, mature skin, and hair 

Argan oil is a 0 on the comedogenic scale, which means it is unlikely to clog pores. Argan oil is high in something called oleic acid and even though it’s still considered a “dry” oil, meaning it won’t leave an oily residue and will absorb quickly, it’s an oil which will keep the skin moisturized, help battle the loss of elasticity and reduce inflammation. Oleic acid adds a richness to oils, making argan oil an excellent deep moisturizer. 

I have used our Organic Moroccan Argan Oil to spot treat minor acne and acne scabs with great success. I usually dab a tiny bit right on the spot before bed and when I wake up I feel like crustiness, redness, and visibility of my acne is reduced.

CBD Hemp Oil

2024 Update: We used to sell a line of wonderfully moisturizing and highly effective CBD products, but unfortunately we needed to discontinue due to processing costs. However, our supplier (Pure Spectrum CBD) has generously offered 15% OFF to all our customers who order directly through them. All of their products are created in a facility which rigorously evaluates every stage of the process. From soil to oil, the process is standardized and controlled to produce highly rated and effective products. Every batch is tested for potency and purity, and their website provides current third-party lab test results. Their products also use a whole-plant extract which not only includes CBD but many of the other phytocannabinoids, creating the synergistic effect of all the compounds working together. Use coupon code: APPLEVALLEYNATURAL for 15% off your order.
AVNS is now a Pure Spectrum ambassador which means we may earn a commission from qualifying purchases.

Hemp Seed oil is perfect for most skin types as it can moisturize without clogging pores. It can even help to balance out oily skin, hydrating it and regulating the skin’s oil production. Hemp seed oil is made from the organic cold-pressed and unrefined seeds of the Cannabis sativa (hemp) plant.

Some benefits of CBD Hemp Oil:

  • CBD Oil may help keep skin soft and supple.
  • CBD oil may Treat acne due to its anti-bacterial properties, and its ability to calm skin and reduce sebum production. Since hemp seed oil is another ‘dry’ oil with its light and thin consistency, it helps tighten, tone and firm skin. Its astringent properties help minimize large pores that secrete excess sebum which causes greasy skin, blackheads and pimples.
  • Nourishing and moisturizing. Hemp oil makes a great moisturizer because it has a comedogenic rating of 0, and our other acne preventing favorite Jojoba oil is a 2. Argan oil is also a 0.
  • Dramatically decreases skin dryness to alleviate itching and irritation. It also relieves common skin conditions such as bug bites, infections, scrapes and wounds.CBD oil may soothe sensitive skin, and studies indicate that it may even be able to help inhibit certain triggers of disorders like psoriasis and improve eczema-prone skin.

Did You Know?

Our Acne Battle Bar isn’t the only facial bar our customers love, you can check out our full range of natural skincare products and facial bars! If you have an AVNS skincare routine you swear by we want to hear about it! let us know which products you use in the comments!

Much Love,


What is a Natural Moisturizer? Part Two

Salves and Oils

Hey there! And welcome back to our in-depth conversation on natural moisturizers. Two weeks ago in a blog we covered lotions and body butters, and now we’ll talk about two lesser-known but extremely effective options: salves and oils.

With all the natural moisturizers that exist you might be wondering…what’s the difference between these moisturizing products? How do you know which is the best natural moisturizer for your body versus which acts as the best natural moisturizer hair treatment? What about natural options for acne-prone skin? And how about natural options for face, hands and scalp? Yikes, so many questions! Don’t worry, we’re about to find out!

Wait! Can Natural Soap Be a Moisturizer Too?

I know this blog is focused on our non-soap products, but you really can’t talk about moisturizing products without mentioning natural soap! While glycerin is typically removed in mass soap production, our natural soap is handmade in small batches and maintains a glycerin content. Glycerin is a naturally occurring chemical compound that attracts water, which means that your hair and skin will benefit if they are covered in a product containing glycerin. 

If you find that you have perpetually dry skin and always use commercial brand soap, you should try switching to natural soap. That little extra boost of moisture could be just what your skin needs.

Are Natural Products Better For Your Skin?

Before I jump into specifics in this blog, I want to say one very, very important thing. Just because something is natural…does not automatically mean it is SAFE for you or even benefits you (please do not rub your entire body with poison ivy) which is why you still need to be careful when choosing natural products. Every ingredient we put into our products is as safe for you as possible. We are constantly reevaluating our products, taking out ingredients that can be substituted with safer options or taking out ingredients based on new findings suggesting any negative effects. 

AVNS Products Containing CBD

With so many CBD producers on the market, how do you know who to trust? Our relaxation salve, tincture, balm, cooling cream and face lotion are produced for Apple Valley Natural Soap by a facility which rigorously evaluates every stage of the process. From soil to oil, the process is standardized and controlled to produce highly rated and effective products. 

What about THC? In order for a product to claim to be THC free, it needs to contain less than .3% THC. All 4 of our full-spectrum topicals (Relaxation salve, Extra Strength Balm, Pain Relief Cooling Cream and Rebalance Face Lotion) including our topical Hemp Facial Oil, contain no THC, not even traces.

For more info about CBD products, check out this blog!


A salve is often used to target specific areas of the body and to provide a medicinal benefit of some sort. 

Why Should You Use a Natural Salve?

I would probably compare choosing a natural salve over a commercial brand salve to choosing a natural bug repellent spray to a commercial brand. Both will work, but one contains ingredients that are lower risk to your safety. We have some specially formulated salves that range in potency to cover everything from bug bites to muscle aches and pains. 

Our Natural Salves

Organic Herbal Salve 

This Herbal Salve Works Best For: daily application for rashes, bug bites, sun burn, wounds, dry, cracked skin, bruises, diaper rash and more!

Chock full of soothing, certified organic herbs infused in a base of organic, extra virgin olive oil and unrefined beeswax, this salve is amazingly multi-purpose and economical. Here are some of the beneficial ingredients in this salve…

St. John’s wort: has historically been known to help speed up the healing process and prevent scarring. (Don’t worry, it isn’t an actual wart, it’s a flower).

Echinacea: has a long history of success with venomous stings and bites and is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. 

Comfrey & Yarrow: have astringent properties and have been used to promote cell regeneration and healing. 

Plantain: is acclaimed for its ability to relieve bee stings, insect and spider bites and rashes.

Calendula: is impressive because of its ability to speed healing, improve the appearance of the skin, lower inflammation, and protect the skin against infections. 

Rosemary: has natural antiseptic properties, which makes it a superior disinfectant for our skin. It can also help protect skin cells from damage often caused by the sun and free radicals. 

Grapefruit seed extract: is an excellent anti-fungal agent.

Ingredients: extra virgin olive oil*, unrefined beeswax, St. John’s wort*, echinacea purpurea root*, echinacea purpurea leaf*, comfrey leaf & root*, calendula blossom*, yarrow flower*, plantain leaf*, rosemary leaf*, grapefruit seed extract and vitamin E oil (from Non-GMO sunflower oil).  *certified organic

Oils for Skin and Hair

Oils are making a big splash in the beauty industry, why? When applied to hair and skin, oils coat the surface they interact with and create a protective barrier that traps moisture and prevents things like dryness, breakage, and heat damage.

Why Should You Use Natural Oils

Yes, oils are popular right now, but not every oil on the market is the miracle you’ve been looking for. Unfortunately, many beauty companies are taking advantage of pure oil’s good reputation and are selling “beauty oils” made with low quality oil and a bunch of other additives. I recently received a facial oil sample that contained a bunch of dye used to give it a midnight blue coloring. Why would you ever want to put artificial dye on your face??? Natural oils will either be made of one pure oil or a blend of pure oils and few other ingredients. We have a few different oils that have been life-changing for our customers

Jojoba Oil

This Oil Works Best For: everyday use for every skin type.

Our pure, organic jojoba is the most natural way to moisturize both skin and hair. The benefits of jojoba are numerous and unparalleled. Jojoba is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and easily absorbed into the skin, leaving no oily residue, making it the perfect massage oil. It is used to maintain skin elasticity and leaves skin literally glowing. You can use jojoba to remove makeup, combat conditions like athlete’s foot, dandruff, eczema, skin bacteria and other skin infections. It improves hair quality and stimulates hair growth.

This has, and always will be, one of my favorite AVNS products, and I have used it for years. It is simply amazing, and try as I might, (when I’ve forgotten to pack mine, when traveling), there’s nothing else out there that compares–even at a significantly higher price point. I apply after every bath. A little goes a long way, and despite using it on a daily basis, one bottle lasts a long time. There is nothing that moisturizes my skin better. My daughters are constantly telling me how soft my skin is. The twist-to-open applicator makes it a breeze to apply, with no waste. Pamper yourself. You will not be disappointed!

-Satisfied Customer

Argan Oil

This Oil Works Best For: Dry skin, mature skin, and hair 

One of the world’s most rare and potent beauty serums, this unrefined (virgin), certified organic, Moroccan argan oil is rich in nutrients, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids. As a non-greasy, fast absorbing oil, it offers better protection for skin and hair than any other oil on the planet. Argan oil is high in something called oleic acid and even though it’s still considered a “dry” oil, meaning it won’t leave an oily residue and will absorb quickly, it’s an oil which will keep the skin moisturized, help battle the loss of elasticity and reduce inflammation. Oleic acid adds a richness to oils, making argan oil an excellent deep moisturizer. It penetrates easily and deeply into the skin’s surface, replenishing lost moisture that naturally comes with age, it also helps the moisture from evaporating.

Argan oil’s benefits for skin are many, here are the highlights:

  • Enriched with antioxidants it protects skin from sun damage and helps with skin repair from sun exposure.
  • Moistures skin, packed with vitamin E and fatty acids it hydrates, nourishes and moisturizes effectively and replenishes skin cells.
  • Prevents and reduces stretch marks as it helps improve skin elasticity.
  • Heals infections with it’s anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Speeding up the healing process of wounds, infections and burns is a wonderful benefit of this amazing oil.
  • Treats acne, heals blemishes and evens out skin tone.

Moroccan Argan oil has multiple uses for hair and body

  • Thermal heat protectant for hair: put 2-4 drops in the palm of your hand and massage into damp hair after showering. Your hair will feel silky soft after blow-drying. Check out our BLOG for more information about this and amazing results you can see!
  • Deep conditioner: wet hair with hot water, massage a small amount into the scalp and down the shaft of the hair, wrap with a towel, and let it sit for 15 minutes. Wash hair as usual. Alternatively, apply to dry hair before going to bed at night. Wrap in a towel and wash in the morning for soft, silky locks. Argan oil helps with dandruff and other dry scalp symptoms.
  • Makeup remover: put a couple of drops on a cotton ball and and gently remove eye makeup. Leaves the delicate skin around your eyes moisturized.
  • Facial moisturizer: apply a few drops to your delicate facial tissue and around your eyes and watch your skin soak it up and start glowing.
  • Beard oil: bearded people, you know what I’m sayin’. Or if you want something designed specifically for facial hair, check out our Men’s Nourishing Beard Oil.
  • Cuticle and nail repair serum: apply a drop to cuticles and nails at night and say good bye to cut, sore finger tips. Argan oil will strengthen and nourish your nails too.
  • Night hand oil. Two pumps rubbed into your hands before you go to bed leaves them soft and silky in the morning.
  • Expectant mothers: apply organic argan oil to your tummy to help prevent and reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

Ingredients: pure, unadulterated, cold pressed, undeodorized, virgin, organic argania spinosa (argan oil).

I had a bottle of Argan oil that I used previously and It was ok, but I had nothing to compare it to. After using Apple Valley Argan oil I would guess the other is not pure. Anyway, I get 1-2 pumps and add a drop of lavender essential oil to it and dab it on my face especially under eyes. The oil has a thicker consistency but does not feel greasy. Also it melts into my skin quickly and leaves it looking so nice. Whatever is remaining on my fingers I gently swipe into my fine hair and is lays nice with no flyaways and it does not cause it to get greasy at all. I have also rubbed this on my knees and elbows and it is amazing for smoothing and moisturizing skin.

-Satisfied Customer

What is a natural Moisturizer? Part 1

Going Natural

If you’re looking for a natural moisturizer, you might be surprised by just how many options you actually have. Natural lotions, natural body butters, natural oils, natural salves…what’s the difference between these moisturizing products? How do you know which is the best natural moisturizer for your body versus which acts as the best natural moisturizer hair treatment? And how about natural lotion for face, hands and scalp? Yikes, so many questions! Luckily, we happen to carry every type of natural moisturizer mentioned above. I had planned to cover all our natural moisturizers in one blog, but I soon realized how long that blog would be so I decided to beak it down into two parts. This week I’ll be looking at lotions, lotion bars, and body butters. Next week I’ll be revealing our top 5 best smelling shampoo bars according to customers (take the survey now to pick your favorites!) And the week after that I’ll return to natural moisturizers to discuss the awesome benefits of oils and salves!

Wait! Can Natural Soap Be a Moisturizer Too?

I know this blog is focused on our non-soap products, but you really can’t talk about moisturizing products without mentioning natural soap! While glycerin is typically removed in mass soap production, our natural soap is handmade in small batches and maintains a glycerin content. Glycerin is a naturally occurring chemical compound that attracts water, which means that your hair and skin will benefit if they are covered in a product containing glycerin. 

If you find that you have perpetually dry skin and always use commercial brand soap, you should try switching to natural soap. That little extra boost of moisture could be just what your skin needs.

Are Natural Products Better For Your Skin?

Before I jump into specifics in this blog, I want to say one very, very important thing. Just because something is natural…does not automatically mean it is SAFE for you or even benefits you (please do not rub your entire body with poison ivy) which is why you still need to be careful when choosing natural products. Every ingredient we put into our products is as safe for you as possible. We are constantly reevaluating our products, taking out ingredients that can be substituted with safer options or taking out ingredients based on new findings suggesting any negative effects. 


The Merriam Webster definition of lotion, “a liquid preparation for cosmetic or external medicinal use” won’t help us learn much. The main aspect of lotion that you need to be aware of when deciding on moisturizing products is the fact that lotion usually has a higher water content than other moisturizing products. What is the benefit of a lotion compared to say, an oil? Well, lotions typically have a lighter feel on your skin and won’t feel as greasy. Lotion will also absorb more water into your skin because of its preexisting water content. 

Why Should You Use Natural Lotion?

As someone who has battled acne for years, I understand how truly trying “acne curing” lotions can be. They stink. They sting. And they dry out your skin.

Natural lotion is a great option for sensitive or acne prone skin. Natural lotion will still be effective in correcting skin problems, but won’t dry out the skin in the process and will maintain healthy and moisturized facial tissue.  

Our Natural Lotions

Naturally Clear Face Lotion

Skin Type: Normal to oily/acne-prone facial skin

Our Naturally Clear Face Lotion is a favorite of teenagers and young adult’s alike for keeping skin clear and moisturized without weighing it down.

What do we love about about this lotion? Naturally Clear contains ingredients known to help keep acne at bay while moisturizing & revitalizing skin.

Our Naturally Clear lotion is applied morning and evening after gently cleansing facial skin with any of the following soaps: Acne Battle Bar, Charcoal Detox, Honey Carrot Tangerine or Cucumber Lime. It can also be used in conjunction with our Calming Toner for additional benefits to assist with irritated or problematic skin.

Moisture Rich Face Lotion

Skin Type: Dry, mature or combination facial skin

Do you love only having one lotion to cover many facial needs? Then this is the lotion for you! Watch it nourish and revitalize skin around the eyes & mouth, see it naturally deliver rejuvenation for beautiful, radiant facial skin. 

Our Moisture Rich Face Cream/Lotion was first created in 2010 and was an instant favorite amongst family and friends. Since then it’s been tweaked, tested and improved upon to what it is today. 

What do we love about about this lotion? We’re glad you asked! As our best-selling natural face lotion, Moisture Rich is the ultimate superfood for your skin. Known to renew and protect a variety of skin types, especially dry, mature or combination skin, antioxidant rich Moisture Rich Face Cream leaves your skin soft and radiant while imparting a beautifully light fresh scent from the natural jasmine extract.

Our Moisture Rich Face Cream can be used by itself, or as a day time lotion in conjunction with other skin care products. Our Intensive Renewal Night Cream is used for dry or mature skin at night.  We love how both complement each other, delivering what skin needs at all times of the day.  

Different than a lotion because of its lack of water content, different than a body butter because of its solid form, a lotion bar is a little like the Superman of the moisturizing world. 

Lotion Bars

Different than a lotion because of its lack of water content, different than a body butter because of its solid form, a lotion bar is a little like the Superman of the moisturizing world. 

Why Should You Use a Natural Lotion Bar?

Lotion bars are the best option for someone who is always on the go. They can be applied right after getting out of the shower (yes. Right on wet skin) and they can be packed in a carry on or personal item without taking up room in the 3-1-1 bag (travelers know just how important this is). We have two lotion bars.

Lavender Lotion Bar

Skin Type: All

Our luxurious Lavender Lotion Bars combine nutritious organic oils and butters with the healing power of organic lavender essential oil for a powerhouse of moisturizing properties for your skin. With a lighter textured than our Creamy Butter Bar, this lotion is great for everyday use or problematic skin. With the inclusion of organic virgin jojoba, organic virgin coconut oil, unrefined organic cocoa butter, unrefined organic shea nut butter and powerful organic lavender essential oil, this lotion bar is a wonderful option for a wide range of skin types from the delicate, to the problematic.

Why lavender essential oil? Because of its many health benefits for the skin, most of which can be attributed to its antiseptic and anti-fungal properties. Lavender essential oil is widely used to treat various skin issues such as acne, wrinkles, psoriasis, and other inflammatory conditions, it is also commonly used to speed up the healing process of wounds, cuts, burns, and sunburns because it improves the formation of scar tissues.

Ingredients: unrefined beeswax, organic coconut oil, unrefined organic cocoa butter, unrefined organic shea nut butter, organic virgin jojoba, organic virgin olive oil, organic lavender essential oil and vitamin E oil (from non-GMO sunflower oil). All of our organic ingredients are USDA Certified Organic.

Creamy Butter Lotion Bar

Skin Type: Dry skin

There is no skimping on the luxurious ingredients in our versions of a hard lotion bar. For this Creamy Butter Bar we use organic virgin jojoba, organic coconut oil, unrefined organic cocoa butter, unrefined organic shea nut butter and mango butter, making a concentrated, rich, all natural, moisture-drenched solution for extremely dry, problematic skin. Use it on your heels, knuckles, elbows, cuticles—or anywhere else you have patches of dry skin. We left this one unscented so that even the most sensitive skin will fall in love. However, you CAN smell the delicious, creamy, mild scent of the unrefined cocoa butter, yum!

Ingredients: unrefined beeswax, organic coconut oil, unrefined organic cocoa butter, mango butter, unrefined organic shea nut butter, organic virgin jojoba, organic virgin olive oil and vitamin E oil (from non-GMO sunflower oil). All of our organic ingredients are USDA Certified Organic.

Body Butter

Body Butter is thicker than lotion because of its higher butter/oil content. A body butter is meant to target problem areas of dry skin and its thick, creamy texture helps create a lavish bathing experience. 

Why Should You Use Natural Body Butters

Body butters are often marketed as luxury products and are created with intense scents to match their intense textures. The problem with adding this much fragrance is that it means you’re upping your body’s chemical intake. Many chemicals in cheap fragrances cause a lot of skin problems such as irritation and dryness. Some chemicals can even leak into your bloodstream and cause even deeper issues, which is why you hear about recalls on certain products. We have two types of natural body butters that are gentle and powerfully effective for skin.

Whipped Body Butter

Skin Type: Extremely Dry

Using only organic ingredients packed with intense nutrition for your skin, this unscented body butter is a soothing and effective way to moisturize all over! We’ve included ingredients such as Organic Unrefined Cocoa Butter which can actually penetrate further than the top layer of the skin, it moisturizes deep-down and really nourishes the skin. And organic Shea Butter which has a high content fatty acids which gives it the ability to deeply moisturize and retain the elasticity of the skin. This all natural, 100% organic, uber moisturizing body butter has no added scent, but a soft, oh so good, chocolatey scent is evident from the organic unrefined cocoa butter. An amazing treat!

Our body butters are natural, gentle and safe for every type of skin. Please note that just a little bit goes a long way, so use sparingly!

Ingredients: organic shea butter, organic unrefined cocoa butter, organic virgin coconut oil and organic jojoba oil.

Shea Butter Skin Therapy

Skin Type: Extremely Dry, Oily and Problem Areas (including scalp)

NEW to our collection of butters, experience Intense Nutrition for Skin with Shea Butter Skin Therapy, this butter is a super food for your skin! Organic, unrefined African shea butter is intensely moisturizing, it can not only help relieve dry itchy skin, but can help eliminate greasy scalp and hair issues, as well as balance oil production which makes it also great for oily complexions. We have chosen to use only USDA CERTIFIED Organic Raw Unrefined African Shea butter, this pure and natural organic shea butter is the only way to go in order to reap all the benefits. 

What makes Organic Shea Butter so good for the skin? It has a high content of fatty acids which gives it the ability to deeply moisturize and retain the elasticity of the skin, it is also a great ingredient for those with inflammatory skin conditions, like eczema and dermatitis. Unrefined Shea Butter is loaded with natural vitamins A, E, natural antioxidants and fatty acids for maximum natural moisturizing power, it is an amazing body healer. Try it to help treat skin conditions such as dry skin, eczema, rashes, stretch marks, and burns. It may also help lessen the irritation of psoriasis and eczema, help diminish wrinkles, clear blemishes, and heal wounds, scars & skin discolorations. 

Ingredients: USDA CERTIFIED Organic Raw Unrefined African Shea Butter with no added scent.

Hopefully this blog is leaving you with a better sense of what type of natural moisturizer is best for you and your skin. Come back in two weeks for part two when I cover oils and salves…two more amazing types of natural moisturizer!

Much Love,
