5 Natural Healthy Snacks For Your Dog!

Did you know that over 50% of American households have a feathered, finned or four-legged family member? That’s right! Our pets give us so much love every day, if only we had a day to recognize and appreciate them. Oh, wait…we do! National Pet Day was this Monday, but if you’re an animal lover like me every day is National Pet day and what better way to celebrate your pet than with a fun surprise for them? Did someone say TREATS?!

You can buy all kinds of treats for your pet at the pet store, but just like human treats, mass produced treats have tons of processed ingredients and sometimes even contain filler ingredients that don’t benefit your pet at all!

Treats made from natural ingredients not only taste fantastic, they’re also full of nutrients that benefit your pet from skin and coat health to a healthy digestive system! 

Today we’ve got five easy to make natural treats for your dog!

  1. Frozen Pumpkin Cubes

The perfect way to cool down on a hot day, all you have to do is spoon canned pumpkin into an ice cube tray and let them freeze solid. Pumpkin is full of vitamins and minerals and is also an excellent source of fiber for dogs, especially if they’re having tummy trouble!

  1. Fruit Salad
Photo by Trang Doan on Pexels.com

Yummy yummy yummy. Did you know dogs can eat fruit?! Even more so…lots of them enjoy it! Fruit provides a lot of the same benefits for dogs as it does humans. A couple slices of apple (make sure seeds are removed) for fiber, a couple slices of banana for potassium, and a few blueberries for antioxidants makes the perfect fruit cup! You can even upgrade it to a parfait by adding one to two spoonfuls of some plain greek yogurt…a fantastic source of calcium and probiotics. 

  1. Bone Broth Popsicle

A great snack for your senior pup, “The glucosamine, chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid in bone broth are nutrients that support joint health and integrity.” (First Vet). All you have to do is pour the bone broth into an ice cube tray and get creative with what you use as a stick! You could try a longer dog biscuit, a Greenie or other dental chew, or even a carrot stick (some dogs love carrots)!

  1. Good Breath Dog Treat

This treat targets stinky breath and uses natural ingredients! The full recipe is from Cook Eat Go and utilizes breath freshening agents such as mint and parsley!

  1. Healthy Homemade Dog Treats

These dog treats are packed with nutrients to support your furry pal on all levels! Olive oil contributes healthy fats (Olive oil also makes great soap, just check out our Castile soaps for the “hoo-mans!”), wheat germ for soft silky coat, and eggs for protein…just to name a few of the ingredients and their benefits. Full recipe can be found here on Wholefully!

Supplementing your dog’s diet is an extremely important part of pet care…but so is maintaining your dog’s physical hygiene. While natural treats are a great way to go, did you know that you have natural options when it comes to your dog’s bath time too?? Our Natural Pet Shampoo contains skin soothing, coat strengthening oils like coconut oil and olive oil as well as an essential oil blend that smells great and works to repel pests like fleas and ticks!

Much Love,


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