Summer Skin Care

Is It Just As Or More Important Than Winter Skin Care?

With the much anticipated seasonal release of our Limited Edition Summer Skin Saver soap bar, we are invited to ask the question on the importance of summer skin care. If you’re anything like me, you probably grew up hearing about the importance of washing your face morning and night, using SPF to protect against the suns harmful rays, and using clean products. And if you’re ANYTHING like me, you grew up trying every product known to man that was marketed for Acne Prone Skin. But how much of the success of our perfectly honed skin care routine comes down to the season? Yes, that’s right! How much can we blame our skins irritations and imperfections on wether is it Summer or Winter. Join me as we unpack the impact the seasons have on our skin, the benefits of our Limited Edition Summer Skin Saver soap bar, and much more…

Do The Seasons Really Effect Our Skin?

To put it simply, Yes! Seasons and changes in seasons can play a huge roll in the health and life of our skin. In the Winter for example, it is usually dry and cold which can lead to dry and chapped skin prone to cracking. And in the Summer it is usually hot and humid which can lead to sweating, oily skin and breakouts, and sunburns, or hot and dry which can lead to skin dryness and irritation and sunburns that don’t heal very well. With this information in mind, it can help us to adjust our skin care routine, the products we are using, and our daily habits to promote healthy skin no matter the season. In the winter, it is vital to consume extra water as a part of your daily routine and use really healing and moisturizing products to fight against the dryness. So what should we do in the Summer to keep our skin safe?

How To Protect Our Skin In The Summer

1. Products

The products we use in the summer and leading up to summer really sets us up for either failure or success with our skin. Make sure that you are using products appropriate for your skin type, products that will boost hydration in your skin, and avoiding products that can cause harmful damage to your skin. Some of the products I would recommend for summer skin are our limited edition Summer Skin Saver Bar and organic herbal salve. You will also be able to find amazing moisturizers and other skin care products on our website, Another product to pay attention to, is your SPF or sunscreen (we will talk about this a little bit in the Diet section as well, but you’ll want to pay attention here too.) We have been told over and over again to wear our sunscreen if we don’t want sunburns, skin pigmentation issues, and even skin cancer. But have you ever thought that maybe it’s what we’re putting on our bodies (and in our bodies, but more on that later) and what it does when it comes into contact with the sun that is the problem? Did you know that sunscreen (or sunblock) started out simply as zinc oxide? But over the years pharmacists, doctors and manufactures started adding more and more ingredients to create what we know sunscreen to be today. However, studies have shown that there are more harmful ingredients living inside your average bottle of sunscreen than good. And we have found that when these harmful ingredients are put in contact with the sun, they react negatively to those rays actually causing skin cancer and other issues. This can happen on such a microscopic level that we have no idea what is actually happening to our skin when we apply these harmful chemicals. Instead, look for a sunscreen with minimal ingredients, the main one being zinc oxide! Some great options to try are the Earth Harbor ECLIPSE Sheer Mineral Sunscreen SPF 30 that we actually offer in our AVNS Boutique, the Alba Botanica Sheer Mineral Sunscreen Lotion, and the Babo Botanicals Sheer Mineral Sunscreen Lotion SPF 50.

2. Diet

Did you know that what we put into our bodies plays a bigger role in the health of our skin then the products we put on it? It’s true! The products we apply topically morning and night can only do so much to help our skin. What we choose to put inside our bodies will show on our skin. For example, if we partake in a few alcoholic beverages in a weekend without proper rehydration, our skin will show the effects in dryness and dullness with puffiness and bloating in our face and neck. And if we eat a lot of refined sugars, it will most likely make itself known in the next day or two with breakouts/acne and puffiness in the face and neck.

The health of our skin is also a sign of gut health. Do you have dull skin, acne that won’t seem to go away, and dark circles under your eyes even after a good night of sleep? This might be a sign of and unhealthy gut and it might be time to invest in some quality pre and probiotics to help your guts microbiome.

Did you know that seed oils increase the sensitivity of your skin to the suns UV’s? This is a theory that is still in discussion, however most people (myself included) have noticed that with the elimination of seed oils from their diet, the time they were able to be outside in the sun without their skin getting irritated by the sun (sunburned) went up drastically. Plus the severity of the sunburn and rate of recovery from that sunburn dropped (yes, this is a good thing.) Seed oils were first introduced to the United States as early as 1911. Cottonseed Oil was developed and marketed by Procter & Gamble as a creamed shortening called Crisco which was then made available to the public. The first sunscreen in the United States was invented in 1944 by a pharmacist named Benjamin Green which would later become known as Coppertone Suntan Lotion. Coincidence? I think not, but let me know what you think in the comments.

3. Routine

Making sure we have a healthy routine in place, will help the health of our skin for years to come. Getting 8-9 hours of sleep each night, drinking 80 – 100oz of water each day, getting a good sweat in during a workout (but making sure to shower and wash your face afterwards), and applying clean and natural products to our skin after it is cleaned. Staying away from inflammatory foods such as refined grains, refined sugars, and seed oils, taking a high quality pre and probiotic, eating fermented foods, and keeping alcohol consumption in a minimum will all greatly improve the over all health of your skin not just on your face but your whole body during the summer months. Do you love spending time outside in the summer? I mean who doesn’t? One of the best ways to get your skin used to the stronger UV rays from the sun is to sit outside or do something in the sun for very short periods of time everyday. 5, 10, or 15 minutes a day for a couple of weeks and making this a part of your routine will help your skin to acclimate to the suns stronger rays during the summer and reduce the risk of a nasty sunburn.

Summer Skin Saver Limited Edition Soap Bar

With summer comes an increase in outdoor activities, and our skin takes a beating. The negative effects of sun, wind, bugs, and added opportunities for scratches and scrapes require some tender loving care and attention. Gently wash and protect your skin with our limited edition Summer Skin Saver Bar. Super-fatted with lanolin, the oil sheep secrete to keep them warm, dry, and protected, this bar not only cleanses, but it forms a barrier on the skin that locks in existing moisture while at the same time attracting additional moisture from the surrounding air. This barrier created by lanolin is helpful for skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema as it can help seal and protect skin, while also allowing it to breathe and attract moisture.

But that’s not all! Unrefined organic cocoa butter and mango butter add an extra boost of moisturizing benefits while white kaolin clay makes this bar smooth and silky on your skin. We’ve also scented this one with uplifting citrus fruit essential oils. In selecting these essential oils, we made sure that each one either by the nature of the oil itself or by the way it was produced, is NOT photosensitive. Enjoy this zesty, sweet, sparkling bar of happiness for all people everywhere.

Natural Deodorant Creme

Moisturize and deodorize those pits with our all natural, aluminum-free deodorant cremes. Made with anti-bacterial, odor absorbing ingredients like organic virgin coconut oil, diatomaceous earth, aluminum free baking soda, arrowroot powder, and white kaolin clay, our natural deodorant creme is safe and effective.

Our unscented version fights hard with the anti-bacterial, odor absorbing base ingredients (perfect for sensitive skin), while our regular deodorant adds an extra level of protection with the antibacterial essential oils of tea tree, lavender, and lemon.

Organic Herbal Salve

Chock full of soothing, certified organic herbs infused in a base of organic, extra virgin olive oil and unrefined beeswax, this organic herbal salve is amazingly multi-purpose and economical. Apply it to rashes, bug bites, sun burn, wounds, dry, cracked skin, bruises, diaper rash and more!

St. John’s wort has historically been known to help speed up the healing process and prevent scarring, Echinacea has a long history of success with venomous stings and bites and is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Comfrey & Yarrow have astringent properties and have been used to promote cell regeneration and healing. Plantain is acclaimed for its ability to relieve bee stings, insect and spider bites and rashes. Calendula is impressive because of its ability to speed healing, improve the appearance of the skin, lower inflammation, and protect the skin against infections. Rosemary has natural antiseptic properties, which makes it a superior disinfectant for our skin. It can also help protect skin cells from damage often caused by the sun and free radicals. Grapefruit seed extract is an excellent anti-fungal agent.

Keep a jar of this on your counter top! It is safe for your children to grab and put on their frequent summer scratches, bites, and rashes.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the appropriate skin care routine at any time of year is very important. But during the summer, there are things we want to be aware of that will set us up for either failure or success in the seasons to follow. The seasonal changes play a huge roll in the health and overall wellbeing of our skin and we want to make sure we are giving our skin the best chance to have the best summer this summer and every summer after. Make sure you are using natural, clean products on your skin. Make sure you are cleansing well and applying healing products back on to your skin. If you are using an SPF or sunscreen, make sure it is clean with minimal ingredients with the main one being zinc oxide. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water, avoiding large amounts of alcohol, eating fermented foods, taking pre and probiotics, and staying away from seed oils in your food. Set up a healthy routine, getting plenty of sleep, getting a good workout or sweat in, and spend a few minutes outside every day to let your skin get acclimated to the sun. And stock up on our favorite summer skin care products like the Limited edition Summer Skin Saver Bar, All natural, aluminum-free deodorant cremes, and organic herbal salve. Most importantly, don’t forget to have FUN this summer! Summer is an amazing season full of fun, days on the water, bonfires, and time out of doors with family and friends. So enjoy it! It is only here for a short time, so make the most of it starting TODAY.

If you found this post interesting, learned something new, or think of someone who might enjoy reading it too, please share this blog post with your family and friends. It means the world to us! You can also leave us a comment to let us know what you learned or share one of your favorite skin care tips with us. We would love to hear from you!

All my love and have happy week,

Amanda Pehrson

Why You Should Try a Natural Toner

Have you ever used a toner in your skincare routine? If not, you might be wondering what a toner is, and what a toner does for your skin. Today we’ll talk about the benefits of using a toner for your skin (specifically a toner for your face), how it interacts with other steps in a skincare routine, and why you should consider using a natural toner.

What is a toner?

A toner is predominantly a liquid that is composed of ingredients that cleanse, refresh, and reinforce the skin. The toner is applied after the initial cleanse and before a lotion or moisturizer. In this way, toner acts as both a sealant for clean skin and a primer for other products.

Who should use a toner?

Anyone can benefit from a toner, since facial toners are known for targeting skin concerns from aging skin to acne. Toners are especially helpful for those with acne caused by clogged pores, since toners work on an extra level to clear pores. Different toners are also designed to target specific skin care needs, so make sure you are selecting the right toner for your skin!

What are the benefits of using a toner?

Toners work to do three main things:

  1. A final deep cleanse.
  2. A layer of protection for your clean skin.
  3. A primer that allows other skincare products to work more effectively on skin.

Why Use A Natural Toner?

Natural toners make the perfect toners for sensitive skin because they contain no alcohol which makes them extremely gentle. The natural ingredients in a natural toner are all added for a specific purpose. We have two natural toners in our new skincare line!

Calming Toner 

This faintly sweet, floral, and citrusy toner is great if you have oily/combination skin. 

Organic Neroli (orange blossom) hydrosol: Neroli hydrosol contains alpha hydroxy acids which help exfoliate the skin, and is anti-inflammatory so helps soothe and calm skin inflammation like acne, eczema etc. It is also antibacterial, which is another reason it’s great for treating acne, plus is highly astringent, as well as rich in vitamin C. 

Papaya (Carica papaya) fruit extract, Mango (Manifera indica) fruit extract,: The combination of the Papaya and Mango extracts increase enzyme activity and are attributed with soothing skin irritations and exfoliating dead cells. Papaya contains arginine, which is an amino acid that smoothes skin and aids in cell regeneration and Papain possesses anti-inflammatory properties.

Radish root (Leuconostoc) ferment. – radish root has calming and moisturizing properties as well as preservative properties

Restorative Toner

This very hydrating toner nourishes skin health and helps restore skin’s radiance, beauty and youthfulness. 

Organic Rose Otto (Rosa damascena) hydrosol: Rose hydrosol* helps to balance the skin as it regulates sebum production, has antibacterial properties, helps heal sunburn and improves circulation. It is also a mild astringent, and attracts moisture making it very helpful for all skin types. With it’s light floral scent and vast number of therapeutic applications, this hydrosol from organic roses rejuvenates, hydrates, softens, and if used over time, can help reduce facial lines and wrinkles. Suzanne Catty, author of Hydrosols: The Next Aromatherapy, states that rose has an affinity with the heart and the emotional spheres of the mind, body, and spirit. It is known to promote emotional balance and a sense of well-being. 

Glycerin – is a humectant which traps in moisture

Rose Otto (Rosa damascene) petal cell extract- Rose extract also comes from the Rose Otto (Rosa damascene). It is extracted from the petals of rose flowers and contains over three hundred different compounds which not only help with premature aging, but also benefit skin in many other ways; anti-inflammatory, great for sensitive skin, treats redness and irritation, contains high amounts of Vitamin C, known to aid skin’s natural sun protection, promotion of good skin tone as well as improvement of skin’s elasticity. Plus let’s not forget about the wonderful aroma which is  known as a mood enhancer.

How to use a toner

Our toners come in an easy to use spray bottle…so after cleansing, pat your face dry gently and then mist toner onto face and let it dry before applying a moisturizer. We recommend our Argan oil as a moisturizer for glowing, soft skin!

If you’re familiar with AVNS products you may recognize these toners! They have been on our shelves for a long time and are now updated in quality to be better than ever! Which one is your favorite?

Much Love,


The Secret in Our Winter Skin Saver Bar: Lanolin

How to Get Rid of Dry Skin?

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on

Finding products that keep dry skin moisturized can be a huge challenge. Our Winter Skin Saver Bar is easily one of our most popular limited edition natural soaps…how do I know this? Because each batch we put out sells out within a day or two. But what makes this bar so wildly popular? This bar is a fan favorite because it has the amazing ability to help eliminate dry skin, even in the harshest winter weather conditions. While the most we can hope for with many soaps is that they won’t dry out our skin, while our natural soaps certainly won’t dry out your skin the Winter Skin Saver Bar actually works to enforce your skin with extra extra added moisture and protection. How does it do this? Well, that’s what we will be talking about today and it all boils down to a little secret ingredient called lanolin.

What is Lanolin? 

Photo by Shvets Anna on

Lanolin, sometimes known as wool wax, is a natural wax produced by animals with wool. While humans secrete sebum from their sebaceous glands, sheep secrete lanolin. Because of its wax-like structure, lanolin acts as a waterproofing agent for a sheep’s coat. Why is this important or necessary? Imagine wearing a thick fuzzy coat that absorbs water like a sponge versus a thick fuzzy coat that water rolls off of like a piece of plastic…which one is going to be warmer and more comfortable in a snowstorm?

What is Lanolin Used For?

While I suppose technically sheep were the first to discover and benefit from the incredible properties of lanolin, they were probably too busy chewing their cud to actually realize what fortune they had stumbled upon. Luckily, farmers recognized lanolin’s potential and today lanolin has countless uses.

Photo by Lukas on

Lanolizing Wool and Cashmere

Since Lanolin and wool naturally coexist in harmony, lanolin can be used to restore and cleanse wool and cashmere products! Besides its waterproofing ability, pure lanolin is also antimicrobial and antifungal. When introduced to water, these properties will activate and self-clean and deodorize wool.

Lanolin Oil for Breastfeeding Mothers

Photo by Josh Willink on

Perhaps considered the “breast” use of lanolin oil by mothers with infants, lanolin oil is well known for its ability to effectively soothe cracked and dry nipples. Because 100% pure lanolin is a natural product, it is safe to use on the most sensitive parts of the body. It is important to use purified lanolin though, because anything less could be harmful if ingested by newborns.

Lanolin for Chapped Lips

As you can imagine, Lanolin is a goldmine for chapped and cracked lips. Which is why we knew we had to include it in our lip balm.

This lip balm was developed for lips in serious need of serious help. Chock full of lanolin, one of nature’s ultimate moisturizers, lanolin not only drenches your lips in rich moisture it also locks it in for the toughest winter days. Lanolin along with the essential oil blend of eucalyptus, tea tree, rosemary, and peppermint which offers cooling, soothing help for sore, chapped lips can also help your lips recover from too much sun exposure no matter the season. 

This balm is also great choice for sore, chapped noses suffering from colds and allergies as well as cheeks suffering from outdoor exposure.

Lanolin for Hair and Skin

Lanolin is revered in the beauty community for its super hydrating abilities. Hey, if it’s good enough for cashmere then it is certainly good enough for my skin. What makes it so good? According to a Healthline article, lanolin can hold “twice its weight in water” which means a little can go a long way and retaining all that water in your skin keeps it supple and plump…helping to erase fine lines and wrinkles. 

Our Winter Skin Saver Bar Made With Lanolin

Remember the analogy I made earlier about the two coats? Well, using our winter skin saver bar will give you similar results to the water-proof coat…okay, so it won’t make your skin waterproof, but if you use it in the shower it will help your skin retain a ton of water. This bar is superfatted with oodles of thick, rich lanolin so that when you are done washing up, you’ll have this soft, invisible layer of protection all over your skin that keeps water in. 

I tried this bar because it was a limited edition. After one use I was CRAZY for it. It was sold out when I went to get more so I waited weeks for the next batch. I even emailed a few times because I couldn’t live without it. When it went on sale again on February 8th I added some to my cart but was distracted at work and didn’t complete the order. AND IT SOLD OUT THAT DAY. NOOOOOO! I have dry skin and have a tendency to not drink enough during the day. This bar soothes my dry skin without having to slather oil or lotion all over before bed. The smell is gentle and the lather is great. Soon it will be gone for the summer so I’m stocking up now.


Winter isn’t the only season that brings dry skin, skin suffers under intense heat as well which is why we put lanolin in our Summer Skin Saver Bar too!

When Can I Get The Winter Skin Saver Bar?

This bar is currently not in stock, but you’ll have one more chance to snatch one up at the end of January. In the meantime, you can still try a sample!

Can you use this natural soap bar on your hair?

It is called the Winter Skin Saver Bar, but could it be used on hair? According to an article written for Naturally Curly, Lanolin is a powerful humectant, which could potentially be helpful if used on extremely dry or curly hair. However, because it is so powerful, there is a big chance that using lanolin oil or this bar on your hair would result in an overly waxy finish, making your hair appear stringy or greasy. I did not find any reviews of this bar that mentioned using it as a hair product. 

So guess what.

I decided to go ahead and try it myself.

I used the Winter Skin Saver Bar as shampoo and followed with an Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse (I would say this is a must if you plan on using this bar in your hair)

You can see my results on the right! My hair was about halfway dry. Because I have curly hair, I usually dry with a cotton t-shirt and add gel to minimize frizz, however, I wanted to see how the Winter Skin Saver bar interacted with my hair on its most natural level, so for this test I did not use any additional styling products or hacks. As you can see, I do have a bit of “fluffiness” within the curls, but my hair is soft and shiny and my ringlets were not weighed down. I would not use this bar for every wash, but it seems promising as a deep condition for dry hair. I am very curious to know if anyone else has tried this bar in their hair and if it worked for them???

Much Love,


5 DIY Ways to Relax During the Holiday Season

Feeling Stressed this Year?

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on

Spending quality time with family, honoring important historical and religious events, participating in the season of giving, and eating delicious food are all reasons to look forward to the holidays in November and December. Unfortunately, the holiday season(s) is also a sad and stressful time for many. It’s easy to get caught up in the holiday hustle and bustle, so this week I’m reminding you to take a step back when you feel overwhelmed: when the turkey isn’t done in time, when you remember those who are no longer with you, when your kids decide they’d rather kick and scream than participate in the annual family Christmas photo, and all those little stressors that build-up over time and make you want to lock yourself in the closet with all the Christmas presents that still need to be wrapped…

Take a step back? When there’s so much to be done? Easier said than done, right? I totally understand. Which is why I’ve got 5 simple, natural relaxation ideas for you to pick from or, golly, why not try them all? Seriously. Aunt Ruth and Uncle Phil are arriving in two days and the guest-room is still a mess from being turned into a work-from-home office, not to mention the bake sale coming up…whoa, deep breath. You’ve got this.

1) Breathe

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

(Like I just said, right?) It seems too simple to be so effective, but focused breathing is actually the first technique listed in an article published in Harvard Health Publishing on relaxation techniques. Deep, even breaths will help calm and regulate your body and mind. You want to take deep breaths that draw all the way into your stomach. If you place one hand on your chest and one on your stomach as you breathe you can feel where the breath is engaging. Movement should be in your stomach and not in your chest in order to provide the benefits breathing offers. To stay focused, you can use a visual to time your breath like this Youtube Video.

2) Exercise

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Exercise is awesome. Why? According to Mayo Clinic, “Physical activity may help bump up the production of your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins.” Aerobic exercise such as biking, running, or continuous dancing is designed to increase your blood oxygen levels. When the amount of oxygen in your blood increases it makes you feel more alert and less groggy. Not super confident about your exercising skills? Don’t worry, a simple kitchen dance party is something the whole family can participate in and all you need to do is move your body around! *If you have a history of health concerns, exercise caution when exercising and know your limits.

3) Take a Warm Bath

Not only does a hot bath help loosen tight muscles, it also gets you some much needed alone time. We know how much a bathing experience can improve your quality of life, which is why Marianne builds AVNS around this concept each and every day.

“For me, Apple Valley Natural Soap is more than a business. It’s a mission. My goal is to glorify God through this business and help you find the joys of rejuvenating and nourishing your body naturally from head to toe. Through your sense of sight, touch and smell, hopefully you’ll be reminded that it’s the simple pleasures of life that make that life memorable.”


So get some amazingly festive-smelling candles, a good book or your favorite playlist, some Sweet Rosehips Body Polish, A bar of your favorite Christmas Soap (COMING SOON!) a few drops of your favorite essential oil, and reemerge from your steamy oasis feeling like the natural, relaxed beauty you are.

4) Repetitive Prayer or Journaling

Photo by Bich Tran on

Sometimes the people in your life may not get it, but your God does. A quiet place and some time with God may be just what you need. Repeating a prayer or even a bible verse over and over again may be a comfort. If your head feels too full, you can also try journaling. Letting all your thoughts, worries and questions out can be extremely therapeutic and a helpful way to navigate confusing or emotional situations. You can write to God, or a loved one, or even your future self. Whatever puts you at ease.

5) Connection through Creating

Photo by Lina Kivaka on

Aka…is anyone else a stress baker? The title of this technique is a bit vague, but that’s because everyone is unique! There is nothing more relaxing to me than whipping out that sack of flour in the dead of night and quietly measuring the correct amount of sugar as I frantically try to make as many chocolate chip cookies as I can before someone comes out and asks me what I’m doing or even worse…offers to help. If Batman works alone, I bake alone. I love the preciseness and repetition baking requires. I love the sensory progress of baking and the delicious outcome. Getting your hands dirty and immersing yourself in a project can be wildly satisfying. Whether you enjoy painting, carving, or coloring, let your creativeness flow and feel the stress flow out of your body too…scone anyone?

Keep An Eye Out For Amazing Deals

I hope one or all of these techniques are helpful to you as you try to navigate this holiday season. I can’t wait to take a nice long bubble bath after finishing this blog! Speaking of bubbles, AVNS has some awesome things in store for you this holiday season. Marianne has been hard at work prepping Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sales, as well as a fantastic Thanksgiving give-away…not to mention the fact that our Christmas Soap release is RIGHT around the corner! During the next couple weeks you’ll want to stay updated through our blog, newsletter, and social media for amazing deals that will basically ensure that all your Christmas-gift shopping is a breeze.

Much Love,


How Embracing My Natural Textured Hair Changed My Life

Hi, I’m Eleanor (but you can call me Nora)!

As the newest member of Apple Valley Natural Soap, I’ll be writing informative and (hopefully) entertaining blogs inspired by AVNS’s products and the ingredients that go into making them. I could not be more thrilled about joining this fantastic, curl-friendly company!

I’ve been ruminating on a proper introduction and while I could go on for hours about my adorable dog, my passion for improv, and my international expeditions…I thought I’d share the aspect of my life that drew me to AVNS in the first place: my hair. However, in order to share my hair care journey, I’m going to have to come clean about something…

I Thought My Hair was Just Frizzy

I’m going to be honest,

I haven’t always taken care of my hair.

My hair was stick straight until sixth grade. Then it got frizzy. From seventh to tenth grade I blow-dried, straightened, and curled my hair with heat every day before school.

That’s right. For four years I woke up at five-thirty am every single morning so I could devote an extra hour to frying my hair.

Sometimes I’d have to straighten my hair and
use a curling iron to keep my hair from frizzing up again.

I did the math.

There are about 165 school days in a year, so one hour per day is 165 hours a year. Multiply that by four and your total is 660 hours. Divide that by 24 hours and that’s 27.5 days. That’s almost an entire non-leap-year February.

A month. A month-long, hair-frying marathon.

I find this horrifying, but not surprising. You see, I didn’t know any better and there was no one to tell me otherwise. I was stuck with a head full of poodle frizz and every hair commercial I saw just enforced my belief that you were either born with beautiful hair or could fix it with heat if you weren’t. Because of this, I did not feel comfortable or confident with my own hair.

Straightening My Hair Hurt My Self-Esteem

Now, I want to make it clear that there is a difference between doing something because you want to and doing something because you think you have to. There is also a difference between touching up your hair a bit every once in a while and changing it every day because you are ashamed of leaving the house otherwise.

How your hair looks my not seem like a big deal, but when you feel forced to alter something about your appearance in order to conform to society’s standards you risk sending another, more damaging message to yourself that says, “the way you are is unacceptable.”

I’m going to tell you something right now: that message is a huge, unacceptable lie.

Thankfully, nature gave me a huge dose of reality…or should I say, douse?

How I found out my hair was curly

In eleventh grade my family went on vacation in Mexico and because of the weight limits on luggage I was also forced to take a vacation from my blow-dryer and curler. After a day spent playing in the ocean all that salt gave my hair the boost it needed to prove to me that it could do more than frizz.

I guess nature has a habit of bringing out the best in us.

At first I thought maybe the curly hair thing was a fluke. For a few weeks I dipped my hair in a bowl filled with table salt and water to get the same results as I had from the ocean (Yes, I looked ridiculous doing this) but eventually I did some research. I bought curly hair products, styled my hair when it was wet, and left the heat tools in my drawer.

I included this goofy picture of me circa 2017 so you could see what damaged curly hair looks like. See how the top of my hair is curly and the bottom looks kind of straw-like? It took two years of hair cuts and no heat to fix the damage I’d caused to my hair.

My Hair’s Journey from Straight to Curly

My hair’s transformation did not occur overnight: the years of straightening had damaged my natural curl pattern beyond repair. Weaning myself off of heat tools also took several years because I was so used to relying on them, but it was worth it.

My decision to embrace my natural hair means I get to feel ten times better about myself without making any adjustments.

How My Curly Hair Led Me to Apple Valley Natural Soap

AVNS wants you to look great, but more importantly we want you to go through life feeling great. 

This is how my natural hair looks when I style it without heat. No curlers, just the perfect hair routine.

As a curly girl with defiant curls, I care about what goes into my hair products. Cheap brands of shampoo and conditioner may advertise products for curly hair, but if you take the time to pull out your magnifying glass and scan the ingredient list hidden on the back of your shampoo bottle, it will reveal silicones and sulfates (agents notorious for parching and dulling curls over time). Honesty in the health and beauty industry is so important, we want safe products with long term benefits and as consumers we want to invest in a company we can trust without constantly having to run DIY background checks on what we are using in our hair and on our bodies.  

AVNS proudly displays our ingredient list right under every product description, and why wouldn’t we? From straight to spiral and everything in between, we’ve got shampoo bars that will nourish your silky strands. And that, my friend, is the honest truth.

Psst. Starting out on your curl journey and looking for something to help tame that frizz? Try the Lavender Silk or Jojoba Silk bar!

Our Story

When thinking about whether or not I should start a blog, it really came down to, will I be able to write about things that people want to read? Ummmmm….hard to say. Will you be interested? Or have I already lost you? 🙂 

As many of you know, we already send out a newsletter every week, well, we try to anyway. That newsletter usually contains information about our company, our products, promotions, links to helpful information and so on. This blog will also contain some of that, but it’ll go more in depth. More “how to’s”, more behind the scenes and into our lives type of information. 

So to start this, I’ll tell you a little about us. Who are we? That is, who is the family behind Apple Valley Natural Soap? 

Back in 2010, I became frustrated with my options for natural skin and body care products. Why does it cost SOOOO much to use healthy products with healthy ingredients? That was the question that started me on the journey of creating recipes and products that wouldn’t cost us an “arm and a leg” to use. First came lotions. You may ask, how do you create natural lotions without all the “junk” in there? Glad you asked! The answer is LOTS of research. I used the EWG site to check ingredients and find those that will work, but that would also not have nasty side effects. I also turned the skin of a fewfriends orange in color (wish I had photos!!!!) from the organic carrot oil – pretty funny actually 🙂 Don’t worry, it washed off eventually. 

Fast forward a few years. Shortly after I became a customer of Apple Valley Natural Soap (yep, I didn’t start this company), I started making soap. I was inspired. Again, lots of research and funny “mishaps” but the soap recipes I landed on were awesome. That sounds like boasting doesn’t it? Hard to say something that you do, or own is great without it sounding that way….

Anyway, I was approached by numerous friends saying that I should sell what I was making. I didn’t feel ready, but both my husband and I felt that God was leading us down this road, so we took a step forward and started selling on Etsy.

Fast forward to 2015. We were approached by the owner of AVNS with the possibility of purchasing the company. Neither my husband or myself felt it was the right time for us to do so, even though our companies were very similar, it’s a big step to take on and take over someone else’s dream. 

Fast forward again to 2017. We were approached again about possibly buying AVNS. This time was different. Our son had been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in June, 2017 and we had started down a road of “alternative treatment” for him. Plus with all the other time and financial commitments in our lives, you may ask why we wanted to  embrace another business!?!  But buying AVNS seemed like an answer to prayer. Were we sure? Nope! But that’s where we stepped out in faith. We prayed for doors to open if we were supposed to do this, and for them to close if not. They flew open. Ummmm….so what do you do when doors open?  You walk through them. And we did. 

Owning Apple Valley Natural Soap for this short period of time has been a whirlwind and a blessing. I love being able to create what is good for our bodies, knowing that the ingredients aren’t harming, but nourishing and cleansing in a good way.  Some of our products can even help with detox, LOVE that! It pairs well with what we’d already been doing, we just got busier thanks to FABULOUS AVNS customers!!! 

So, this is only the beginning of our story.

What are some things you may see in the next few months? The use of more organics in the recipes, the reappearance of some past products that are loved by many, and the introduction of new products that will expand the Apple Valley Natural Soap line.  I love being creative with my products, and our customers get to benefit for all the “crazy” ideas whirling around in my head. Hopefully that’s a good thing!

Above all, our goal is to honor God. We also want to serve our customers with joy, continue to make the best products we can with the cleanest ingredients, and help those in need.  

Until next time.


Best Salt Bar For Summer

Lime Spa Salt Bar

Our Lime Spa Salt bar was not only voted one of our best smelling soaps in 2021, it was also voted a customer favorite in 2022! But what makes this salt soap bar made with european spa salt and an intoxicating citrus essential blend such a raging success? That’s what we’re here to find out!

Why Use a Natural Soap? Especially During the Summer?

Lime Spa Salt Bar

Around this time of year, you’ll probably start seeing a lot of big brand soaps hit the shelves that claim they are, “extra moisturizing” or are “made with argan oil for extra hydration.” But if you were to flip over that bottle and take a look at the entire list of ingredients you’d see that argan oil is only one ingredient in a long list of chemical ingredients you can’t even pronounce. Putting one drop of argan oil in a five ounce bottle is not the same as a 2 ounce bottle of pure, organic argan oil

Unlike mass produced soaps which are made with filler ingredients, Natural soaps are made with natural ingredients which oftentimes have additional benefits and run a lower risk of irritating sensitive skin. We work hard to make sure every ingredient we use in a product is contributing some sort of health benefit for better, more radiant skin. Natural, small batch soap is also more moisturizing, due to the natural ingredients used (the natural oils such as coconut and olive oils and natural butters such as cocoa and shea) and the way it is processed allows it to maintain a higher ratio of those oils in the final product. 

It is essential to have a soap that will moisturize your skin in the summer, especially if you spend a lot of time outside as the natural elements like sun and wind can really do a number on your skin’s health. 

Additionally, it is important to use a soap with antibacterial properties. Warm weather means sweat and warm, damp places are the perfect host for bacteria. Salt has natural antibacterial properties, you can read more about that in this blog!

Description of the Lime Spa Salt Bar

Photo by Lisa on

“This mega salt bar, weighing 8-9 ounces, is made with European spa salt which is solar evaporated and harvested from the pristine waters of the Mediterranean Sea. This salt is produced using the ancient method of solar evaporation in a region that is free of pollution and has high evaporation rates. Rich in trace minerals that help soothe pain, reduce inflammation, improve circulation and cell regeneration and hydrate tissue, European spa salt is one of the purest salts in the world.

European spa salt gently exfoliates and pulls out toxins and impurities from the skin. It actually feels like smooth marble and is extremely hard and long lasting. French green clay helps tighten pores as well as remove bacteria, impurities, oil, and dead skin with its exceptional ability to absorb. This tightens pores and rejuvenates skin cells. Spirulina is a natural antimicrobial, it actually kills off candida, which can be an underlying cause of acne. It also contains 8 essential amino acids, and is high in protein, which is necessary for cell repair and growth. On top of that, spirulina contains a rare fatty acid known as gamma linolenic acid. That combined with being a rich source of antioxidants makes this a highly effective tool against free radicals. When free radicals are eliminated, this increases the skin’s metabolism, and helps your body produce new, healthy cells faster.

We also added organic shea nut butter to make a rich, creamy bar with a delightfully refreshing lime essential oil blend. There are many uses for our salt bars, and this one is great in bathrooms with lots of activity. As with our other salt bars, it lasts a VERY long time!”

Ingredient Breakdown: 

Saponified oils of organic coconut

Coconut oil is a gentle and effective cleanser due to its fatty acid content. The best part is its ability to moisturize hair and skin and the thick lather it creates! Check out our Coconut Bars for pure coco-nutty BLISS!

Saponified oils of organic shea nut butter

Shea Butter is fantastic for skin, in fact, we think it’s SO AWESOME that we sell USDA CERTIFIED Organic Raw Unrefined African Shea Butter just on its own. Why? WHY? It has a high content of fatty acids which gives it the ability to deeply moisturize and retain the elasticity of the skin, it is also a great ingredient for those with inflammatory skin conditions, like eczema and dermatitis. Unrefined Shea Butter is loaded with natural vitamins A, E, natural antioxidants and fatty acids for maximum natural moisturizing power, it is an amazing body healer. Try it to help treating skin conditions such as dry skin, eczema, rashes, stretch marks, and burns. It may also help lessen the irritation of psoriasis and eczema, help diminish wrinkles, clear blemishes, and heal wounds, scars & skin discolorations. 

Saponified oils of castor bean

Castor bean is a skin soother, it is both anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial and can be used on sensitive skin.

European Spa salt

Antibacterial and detoxifying, this pristine salt will clean skin and pull toxins from the skin for a refreshing experience!

French green clay

This clay is known for its gentle yet powerful ability to remove oils from skin while also exfoliating the skin.

Organic spirulina

Full of antioxidants and vitamins that keep skin supple and maintain elasticity, spirulina is an algae superfood!

Essential oils of lime and organic may chang

Not only a purely refreshing scent combination, the citrus essential oil is also a gentle chemical exfoliator!

Try it to Believe it!

I tried this bar for the first time after it placed so high as a customer favorite and I can definitely understand the hype!

Much Love,


5 Unique Eco-Friendly Father’s Day Gifts 2022

I’ve been scouring the internet for 5 incredible father’s day gifts that are eco-friendly, organic, or produced by a small business! I’m not sure why, but a theme has emerged from this year’s gift guide search and I’m proud to title it: “cooking and cleaning: gifts for the scrupulous chef in your life.” I’m super excited to share these gifts with you today, and I hope they make your father’s day shopping just a bit easier.

5 Unique Father’s Day Gifts

1) BirdmansHome Stoneware Coffee Tumblers and Mugs $50+

These beautifully hand crafted, fired stoneware tumblers and mugs are a wonderful and unique gift idea for the men in your life. Sold in a set of two or more they are prefect for having at home, at the office, and a welcome addition to any coffee bar set up.

2) DIY BBQ Making Kit by Grow and Make

What better way to celebrate your bb-cutie than with a BBQ adventure!

Description: Great DIY gift for DAD for Father’s Day!

Make your own tangy barbecue sauces with our Artisan BBQ Sauce Making Kit! Great for family projects. A DIY BBQ sauce kit is the perfect birthday gift for grill cooks, barbecue enthusiasts, or the dad who has everything! Simple instructions make this kit fun and easy for everyone interested in showing off their own exceptional BBQ sauce. Just add tomato paste, oil, and our kit ingredients to make three flavor-packed tomato or mustard-based homemade barbecue sauce recipes. Contains all the grilling spices and seasonings to give your barbecue dishes unique flavor, like cayenne, turmeric, garlic, and liquid smoke.

Grill Master Gift Box with Organic Spices by Fresh Jax

This grilling gift set has everything you need for a delicious grill-out!


“What’s the hardest part about shopping for the grilling guru in your life? They think they already have everything they need! This Grill Master Gift Set was made with grilling fanatics in mind. This set includes three organic spice blends, a grill master t-shirt to claim reign, grill master koozie to chill drinks, and 4 Alderwood grilling planks!”

Spice Blends

Peppered Habanero Hot Grill Spice: Turn up the heat on steak, kabobs, chili, wings, and caulifower!

Ingredients: Organic cracked black pepper, sea salt, organic cayenne pepper, organic habanero pepper, organic brown mustard seed, organic onion, organic garlic, organic parsley, organic lemon zest.

Grill Master Organic Burger Seasoning: Bean burgers, beet burgers, and beef burgers  alike, will warm you to your core-iander and have you feeling rose-merry with coats of this colorful blend!

Ingredients: Organic cracked black pepper, organic onion, organic paprika, sea salt, organic dill, organic coriander, organic thyme, organic garlic, organic fennel, organic rosemary.

Rosy Cheeks Organic Maple Bourbon BBQ Spice: Craft the perfect backyard BBQ when you use this on chicken, ribs, pulled pork, and baked beans.

Ingredients: Organic paprika, organic light brown sugar, organic cane juice, organic dried maple syrup, cherrywood smoked sea salt, organic onion, Himalayan pink salt, organic cracked black pepper, organic garlic, organic chipotle pepper, organic mesquite, organic flavors, organic cumin, organic turmeric, organic lemon zest.

4) Oven Scrub Cleaner: 100% Natural – Eco-Friendly Cleaner by Everneat

100% Natural Oven Cleaner powered with pumice stone & pure essential oils to deep clean your oven without toxic fumes

– Plant-powered ingredients

– Vegan & cruelty-free

– Powerful cleaning

– Refillable & reusable

– Approved by professionals

– Probiotic cleaning

Safe for:

– Porcelain-enameled steel ovens, racks & oven interior glass

– Cast-iron

– Scratch-resistant metals & surfaces

5) Eco Friendly Pet Hair Remover – Lint Brush by Modern Pets Living

This business sells tons of cool pet products, so if you’re looking for something even a little more “upscale” check out the rest of their site!

“A must-have minimalist design pet hair remover and a great substitute for your traditional lint roller. A comfortable wooden handle and large brushing surface area will make this daily task a breeze.

– 3 colors to choose from

– Natural wooden handle

– Self-cleaning housing

– Modern Matte Finish

– Electrostatic Reusable Brush

– Sustainable, green, and reusable

– Made from recycled materials

– Measurements: 12 in x 3 in x 1.8 in

Care Instructions:

– Gentle hand wash only

– Allow to fully dry before usage”

Much Love,


5 Unique Ways To Use and Reuse Flowers!

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on

We get the flower hype, we love using floral essential oils to scent our soaps. Our Bella Rose Shampoo bar and Lavender Buttermilk Shampoo bar are just a few of our floral scented soaps! But what else can you do with flowers? A lot!  From jewelry to tasty treats, let’s celebrate the floral explosion of springtime with a purposeful harvest! 

  1. DIY Potpourri

Such a fun, simple way to keep those expired Mother’s Day bouquets going! According to Grower Direct, “Potpourri was created in the 12th century for the purpose of freshening rooms in castles for the people of that time. Spices or herbs were placed in huge cooking cauldrons after the meal tasks of the day had been completed.” Many people today continue to use potpourri as a natural way to keep their living spaces smelling fresh! I used to wonder why my Nana kept a bunch of dried up flowers in a bowl on the bathroom counter…now I know! Here’s a potpourri recipe specifically for repurposing old bouquets. You can always change the ingredients of a potpourri to match the season. Pinecones during Christmas or cloves and oranges for fall!

  1. Flower Beads

I feel like this is a great project for a rainy day! This craft is a beautiful way to memorialize a special day like a wedding or anniversary and if you make the beads entirely out of the flowers from the occasion you have a very sentimental keepsake that can last you a super long time. According to Beading Gem, “Real rose petal beads have been made for centuries. The Catholic Church sanctioned the use of rose petal beads in rosaries back in the 16th century. Indeed, the word rosary comes from the Latin rosarium or rose garden. The craft was practiced by convent sisters,Victorians and even by mission people in early California. It is easy to understand why the beads were so popular for they give out a lovely fragrance especially when worn or handled.” A recipe for making the beads in a more traditional fashion can be found here. However, if you’re looking for something a little less intricate you can always simplify the recipe by blending crushed up flowers in a pre-made clay!

photo from The View From Great Island
  1. Dandelion honey

Looking for a vegan honey recipe? Try dandelion honey. Yes, it is a bit of a process to make, but you’ll save the bees a lot of work and what a cool experience! The benefits of dandelion honey include it being a vegan substitute, an alternative for people who are allergic to honey, plus you can put the dandelions to good use! Did you know that dandelions are technically considered a weed? My mom would disagree, she would argue that that dandelion is just a very dedicated and persistent flower, but the dandelion was actually introduced to North America and is not native. “In the mid-1600s, European settlers brought the common dandelion (scientific name, Taraxacum officinale) to eastern America and cultivated it in their gardens for food and medicine. Since then it has spread across the continent as a weed.” You can actually incorporate dandelions into a lot of different food dishes, but to start here is a recipe for dandelion honey from The Spruce Eats.

  1. Ice Cube Decorations

Jazz up your brunch or picnic with edible, beautiful ice cubes! I will attach a detailed article from The View From Great Island so you can be sure that these ice cube treats turn out after only a couple practice tries…but there are a couple important details to note if you want your ice cubes to turn out right away! Try a silicone ice cube tray for best results. Make sure you are boiling distilled water for the clearest ice to see the flowers! And try using edible greens in your cubes to ensure anything consumed will be safe. Some flowers include roses, pansies, nasturtiums, marigolds, violets and geraniums. You could also add a little extra flavor by using mint leaves! 

  1. Edible Flower Shortbread Cookies

Just a simple, delicious cookie recipe sure to wow any guests with the pressed pressed topping of an edible flower! Recipe from Two Cups Flour can be found right here!

I think the cookie recipe is definitely on the top of my to-try list! What about you?

Much Love,


New Location Opening!

You’ve probably heard and seen some buzz about our new physical storefront in Apple Valley…but if you haven’t…here’s all the details!

Grand Opening

Everyone is welcome to come to our Grand Opening weekend! You can pop by on Friday May 20th or Saturday May 21st and we’ll be open both days from 10-5pm! Stock up on your favorite products without having to worry about shipping, discover exclusive products that are only sold in-store, and enter a giveaway for a chance to win a bundle of AVNS products! (If you are out of state keep an eye out for our online inclusive giveaway in June!)

“We are calling the retail space The AVNS Market, and it has grown out of a dream I’ve had for the last few years. A dream to have a retail area where we sell products that are good for us and the environment, products that are fun, sweet & unique, while also being able to support other small businesses. We hope the AVNS Market will offer a relaxing, joy filled shopping experience for all.”

-Marianne Buck


7570 West 147th Street

Suite 301

Apple Valley, MN 55124


1st & 3rd Weekends Of The Month

Friday & Saturday 

10am – 5pm

(Not open Sundays, Holiday hours may vary)

Since purchasing the business in 2018, someday being able to open a physical storefront was always the hope for the future of AVNS. Three years of hard work from the Buck family and AVNS family as a whole has finally paid off as we prepare to open our doors to anyone who wants to visit! 

“When we saw the space in Apple Valley, MN as a possibility for the business I immediately saw the brick wall and knew it could be something special. After deciding to move ahead with signing the lease (a huge scary step of faith), we focused on getting the business up and running for on-line orders. Once everything was running smoothly, I started thinking and processing through what it would take to turn part of the space into a relaxing shopping experience. Once I found some inspiration the transformation took off. 

Now that the shop is ready to open its doors to the public, I’ve found myself doubting the decisions and the journey, but then remind myself that my future doesn’t rest in my hands, I have confidence that God has led us on this journey and He doesn’t make mistakes. Over the last week or so I’ve been blessed with many affirmations about our decision, and recently found out that research is now showing that many people are moving away from doing only on-line shopping as they want to get out and shop in person. They want to touch, feel, smell and be around others after having 2 years of not being able to. I am amazed that a decision that my husband and I made months ago, which we felt was stepping out into the unknown, is now proving to be the right path for us.” 

-Marianne Buck

We love what having an online store has to offer: the ability to cater to customers who live far away, the efficiency that online shopping allows, and we hope to continue growing our online store for all our far away friends! 

We’re excited that our physical store will give people the chance to come and connect with us and our products on a personal level…not sure if you’ll like the smell of a particular soap? Now you can just pop by and sniff it for yourself!

I haven’t had the chance to explore our new line of candles yet, so my visit gave me the chance to sniff around and I absolutely fell in love with the quaint clay pot that the Sun-Kissed Coconut All Natural Soy Candle came in…not to mention the amazing smell and the fact that the lid and pot can be turned into a flowerpot and seeds after the candle has been used up! I had to take one home for a Mother’s Day gift!

I’ve been fortunate enough to have already had the chance to pay the Apple Valley Natural Soap Market an in-person visit, and let me tell you…once you walk through the doors into this dreamy naturally scented haven of crafted goods you’ll want to stay all day! 

One of the most exciting things about the AVNS Market is all the cool products that are only available in-store. Jewelry that incorporates essential oils, eco-friendly dish ware, cotton goods like blankets, towels and robes, reusable beauty products.

Hope you stop by!

Much Love,


Mother’s Day Eco-Friendly Gift Guide 2022

Gift giving can be extremely difficult, especially when shopping for loved ones. Obviously, Mother’s Day shopping is no easy task. How do you find something that expresses your sentiment, but will also be useful and enjoyed by the mom or mother-figure in your life? The internet may seem like a helpful tool for finding gifts that are unique and creative, but it can also be exhausting to have to sort through the countless ideas and options that are thrown your way. 

That’s why I take the time to page through Etsy for these gift giving occasions…pulling some of the most fun, most practical gift ideas I can find and bringing them to our blog. The goal is to give you a small, but inspiring sample of exciting and meaningful Mother’s Day Gifts that are hopefully eco-friendly!

I usually rank my gift guides in order of how much I would personally want the gift, and I usually save the thing I would personally want most and find the absolute coolest for last…but let me say…this year I would put all of these gifts last if it were possible (okay, maybe I do have one stand out favorite…but it was a close call!)

Copper Earrings by CapturedIllusions

Description from creator

These are knock-out. They shine and you just cannot miss them. These earrings are made from hand hammered copper that has been domed. They are complimented by sterling silver wires. 7/8″x1-1/2″ includes wire.

These make the perfect additional “something something” to tuck into one of our giftboxes!

100% Organic Cotton Turkish Beach Towel by FESHKA

These made me think of my own mom, who loves nothing more than a huge beach towel to sprawl out in the sun on a hot day! These towels are versatile, durable and quick drying!

Description from creator

Feshka beach towels are made of 100% organic Turkish cotton, making our towels extremely soft and durable. Designed to be practical, lightweight, and fashionable, Feshka towels introduce versatile usage over the traditional towel.

You can use them as: Beach and Pool Towel, Picnic Blanket, Dog Blanket, Yoga Mat, TV Blanket, Camping Blanket, Shawl, Scarf, Wrap, Throw Blanket, Sarong, Travel Blanket. Table Cloth, Bath Towel, or Baby Blanket.

Our towels are prewashed to give you the best experience right out of the box. Use of 100% organic Turkish cotton, which consists of extra-long fibers, makes them extra smooth. Feshka towels become softer with every wash. They are made to last and perfect as a gift!

Feshka towels are thinner than terry towels, dry super fast and can also be used as bathroom towels. Quick drying means you can use them over and over again! No more smelly towels. It’s perfect for your next journey!

The unique weaving technique and the use of Turkish cotton allow our towels to repel sand even if they are wet! Enjoy your beach days with the comfort of Feshka Original Turkish Towels while leaving the sand at the beach!

We know being healthy isn’t just what you do with your body but what you put on it. Being GOTS and OEKO-TEX® certified means our products are 100% organic, safe for skin and the environment.

It’s time to say goodbye to your old bulky towels that take forever to dry and pack up. Made with the most premium Turkish cotton and hand-loomed in Turkey, Feshka towels will give you a brand-new experience of beach towels.

What Exactly Are Turkish Towels?

Turkey is one of the most renowned countries for superior fabric production from their exceptional cotton fields. Turkish towels–sometimes called Peshtemal-are made from premium Turkish Cotton that has extra-long fibers which results in stronger and smoother cotton threads. Because of this unique material, Turkish towels are known to become even softer, fluffier, and more absorbent with successive washings.

More information:

*Dimensions: 37″ x 67″ (94cm x 170cm)

*100% Turkish Organic Cotton

*Sand Resistant Design!

*Made and Loomed in Turkey

*After Care Instructions: Machine Wash Cold. Air Dry.

Your towels will ship from California with FREE SHIPPING!

Embrace the summer theme by pairing this towel with one of our outdoorsy, summery bars! Our Summer Skin Saver is out now and our Camping soap will be too! 

Mother’s Day Personalized Book by ISeeMeBooksUS

I had relatives that used to make me personalized books for Christmas when I was little where I was the main character and I always felt so cool and a little bit famous. I don’t think you have to be seven to feel that way! I think every mom is the hero of her story and it deserves to be in print!

Description from creator

Honor a loving super mom with a uniquely personalized book that’s perfect for Mother’s Day, a birthday, or any day of the year just because! Everyone knows moms have super-vision for finding things and super-strength for carrying copious amounts of stuff. Moms are called on to be builders, bakers, doctors, and duct-tapers. Moms can do anything! She brightens our days and wraps us in love. “My Super Mom” makes a sweet photo-personalized gift for moms who are clever, creative, multi-tasking champions! Written by Jennifer Fox and illustrated by Sarah Gramelspacher. Made in the USA. 20 pages; 8.5 x 8.5 inch. HARDCOVER OR SOFTCOVER OPTIONS AVAILABLE.

Even heroes need a spa day! Make sure mom knows this by pairing this fun read with a gift set of soaps, scrubs, and luxury oils! Then she can read in the tub!

Handwritten Recipe Cutting Board for Mother’s Day by Cuttingboarder

I believe that Mother’s Day also serves as a remembrance and celebration of mothers in general. The gift you’re giving may not be going to a mother, but perhaps someone who has lost a mother. My Nana was and is the foundation of my family and when I saw this gift idea I imagined giving one with her handwriting on it to my aunt and how much that would mean to her. 

Description from creator

Create a cherished family heirloom with this engraved, handwritten recipe cutting board! We will take your favorite recipe, from Grandma, Mom, or anyone, and laser engrave it into our high quality, hardwood cutting boards. The perfect gift to remember a loved one and their special recipe!

Keep in theme with cooking and kitchens by pairing this gift with our Kitchen Salt and Spice Bar!

Mother’s Day Chocolates by BrownSugarChocolate

These are so incredibly cool. Who doesn’t love edible artwork? I just can’t get over the fact that these are gorgeous and gluten free!

Description from creator

Brown Sugar Chocolate is a small artisan chocolate company. We make your chocolates to order. We craft each chocolate to have perfect flavor and beautiful artistry. These chocolates are a celebration in a box. Our ingredients are simple and all of our chocolates are free from gluten, eggs, nuts, and corn products.

Our flavors include…

Creme Brulee

Cinnamon Roll

Salted Chocolate Caramel

Double Espresso


Key Lime Pie


Classic Chocolate

Passion Fruit

Cookie Dough Monster

Lavender Honey

This is a 6 piece assorted box with a Mother’s Day theme in a super cute eco-friendly box.

Obviously pair with our Cocoa Butter Bar so you can wash your hands with chocolate after eating it!

Octopus glass straw by Luv4Erth

These are probably the cutest little creatures I have ever seen in my entire life. If you aren’t captivated by these goofy little straw buddies I don’t know what to say.

Description from creator

 All Straws are handmade by us in Murrieta, CA USA

🐙 This listing is for 1 custom, made to order glass drinking straw with a Octopus design

🐙 Custom colors – Select a primary color for the octopus and even add secondary colors in the Personalization (Octopus Straws are clear and the design is colored)

🐙 Straight or bent, your choice! Tell us in the Personalization

🐙 Dishwasher safe, eco-friendly, hypoallergenic

🐙 Free straw cleaning brush included!

🐙 Add a carrying pouch for $2.00

🐙 Since straws are handmade each straw is unique from the next

🐙 Our straws are durable with 10mm outer diameter and 2.2mm thick

Obviously this would go super cute with some kind of beverage themed gift…and we have soaps that smell like beverages! Pick From Pink Lemonade, Root Beer Float and more!

Happy Mother’s Day!

Much Love,


3 Natural Plant Based Recipes For Mindful Eating

These three recipes are recipes I actually use every week. The ingredients are easy to find at the grocery store, won’t break your grocery budget, and even allow you to do some meal prep so all you have to do for breakfast or lunch is grab and go.

What is mindful eating? That’s a great question. To answer, it might be just as helpful to look at what mindful eating isn’t…which is something I was doing on the daily before I started using these recipes. Most of the time I tend to eat whatever tastes the best, regardless of if it has protein or just empty carbs and regardless of whether it includes any servings of fruits or veggies. Sound familiar? 

Mindful eating doesn’t mean you miss out on all the flavors and deliciousness food has to offer, it just means you prepare delicious food while also making sure you’re taking advantage of all the nutrients that food has to offer. 

  1. Shaved Carrot Salad

Also known as the “Tik Tok Carrot Salad.” I’m obsessed with the version made by @samantha_lucy! According to a Healthline article, “Carrots are a particularly good source of beta carotene, fiber, vitamin K1, potassium, and antioxidants.”

They also have a number of health benefits. They’re a weight-loss-friendly food and have been linked to lower cholesterol levels and improved eye health.

What’s more, their carotene antioxidants have been linked to a reduced risk of cancer.”


4 medium sized carrots

1 tsp sesame oil

1 tbsp rice wine vinegar

Juice of half a lime

2 tsp sesame seeds

Salt and pepper to taste 

(I like to add a dash of soy sauce or some yum yum sauce!)

Just use a vegetable peeler to peel your carrots into thin strips and mix all the ingredients together! I put this salad in a mason jar and bring it to work as a super easy and healthy lunch. 

If you’re looking for some protein I recommend using lime beans instead!

Did you know carrots can be applied topically to enrich your skin? Our Honey Carrot and Tangerine Face and Body Soap is wildly popular and is made with fresh carrot juice!

  1. Overnight Oats

There is so much you can do with this base recipe for vegan overnight oats by @healthygirlkitchen! Rolled oats are a great source of fiber and have lots of other nutrients that benefit by way of weight loss and dropping of cholesterol levels. Plant based milks are often low in calories and are a good source of protein. Nuts and hemp seeds are a great source of protein and berries are full of antioxidants!

Photo by Ovidiu Creanga on


½ cup rolled oats

¼ cup yogurt

½ cup almond milk 

1 tbsp maple syrup

Top with berries, hemp seeds, and nuts

I just throw all the ingredients into a mason jar, stir, and add my berries and nuts on top. I prep five jars at a time and I have breakfast ready to go for the next five mornings!

Variations: this recipe is awesome because it is so easy to customize! For example, I substituted honey for the maple syrup, hemp milk for almond milk, and I’ve also added a tablespoon of nutella or peanut butter for extra flavor! This week I tried adding a little coffee!

Did you know oatmeal is extremely soothing for skin too? Which is why we made a Oatmeal Lavender Body Bar soap bar!

Chia Seed Pudding

According to a Healthline article, “The antioxidants, minerals, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids in chia seeds may promote heart health, support strong bones, and improve blood sugar management.” Cinnamon also has benefits such as antioxidants and the ability to lower blood sugar!


3 tbsp chia seeds

1 tsp cinnamon

¼ tsp vanilla extract

1 tbsp maple syrup

1 cup plant milk

Mix and mix again after 5 mins let sit overnight or for 1 hour.

Hope this helps make meal prep just a little bit easier and a little bit healthier! It sure made the difference for me!

Much Love,


5 Natural Healthy Snacks For Your Dog!

Did you know that over 50% of American households have a feathered, finned or four-legged family member? That’s right! Our pets give us so much love every day, if only we had a day to recognize and appreciate them. Oh, wait…we do! National Pet Day was this Monday, but if you’re an animal lover like me every day is National Pet day and what better way to celebrate your pet than with a fun surprise for them? Did someone say TREATS?!

You can buy all kinds of treats for your pet at the pet store, but just like human treats, mass produced treats have tons of processed ingredients and sometimes even contain filler ingredients that don’t benefit your pet at all!

Treats made from natural ingredients not only taste fantastic, they’re also full of nutrients that benefit your pet from skin and coat health to a healthy digestive system! 

Today we’ve got five easy to make natural treats for your dog!

  1. Frozen Pumpkin Cubes

The perfect way to cool down on a hot day, all you have to do is spoon canned pumpkin into an ice cube tray and let them freeze solid. Pumpkin is full of vitamins and minerals and is also an excellent source of fiber for dogs, especially if they’re having tummy trouble!

  1. Fruit Salad
Photo by Trang Doan on

Yummy yummy yummy. Did you know dogs can eat fruit?! Even more so…lots of them enjoy it! Fruit provides a lot of the same benefits for dogs as it does humans. A couple slices of apple (make sure seeds are removed) for fiber, a couple slices of banana for potassium, and a few blueberries for antioxidants makes the perfect fruit cup! You can even upgrade it to a parfait by adding one to two spoonfuls of some plain greek yogurt…a fantastic source of calcium and probiotics. 

  1. Bone Broth Popsicle

A great snack for your senior pup, “The glucosamine, chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid in bone broth are nutrients that support joint health and integrity.” (First Vet). All you have to do is pour the bone broth into an ice cube tray and get creative with what you use as a stick! You could try a longer dog biscuit, a Greenie or other dental chew, or even a carrot stick (some dogs love carrots)!

  1. Good Breath Dog Treat

This treat targets stinky breath and uses natural ingredients! The full recipe is from Cook Eat Go and utilizes breath freshening agents such as mint and parsley!

  1. Healthy Homemade Dog Treats

These dog treats are packed with nutrients to support your furry pal on all levels! Olive oil contributes healthy fats (Olive oil also makes great soap, just check out our Castile soaps for the “hoo-mans!”), wheat germ for soft silky coat, and eggs for protein…just to name a few of the ingredients and their benefits. Full recipe can be found here on Wholefully!

Supplementing your dog’s diet is an extremely important part of pet care…but so is maintaining your dog’s physical hygiene. While natural treats are a great way to go, did you know that you have natural options when it comes to your dog’s bath time too?? Our Natural Pet Shampoo contains skin soothing, coat strengthening oils like coconut oil and olive oil as well as an essential oil blend that smells great and works to repel pests like fleas and ticks!

Much Love,


How to Remove Stains Naturally

This blog was inspired by our Kitchen Salt and Spice Bar, which has been known to work all kinds of miracles! This is a soap that can remove beet juice stains. This is a soap that can remove the strong smell of onion and garlic from your hands. This soap also makes a great dish washing soap for camping! Having methods for removing stains is extremely helpful. Here are some natural methods to remove different kinds of stains.

How to remove blood stains naturally

Little cuts and scrapes happen all the time! While our first priority is to find a band-aid, what will we do about the bloodstain on the couch cushion?! Hydrogen peroxide might be all you need! Method taken from The Maids, “How to Remove Blood Stains Naturally”

  • Immediately soak the clothing in cold water or run cold water over the stain until it fades.
  • Soak a microfiber cloth in 3% hydrogen peroxide and lightly scrub the stain.
  • Apply a pre-treatment of a few drops of liquid laundry detergent to the blood stain.
  • Wash the stained clothing in cold water with a natural bleaching agent like hydrogen peroxide, distilled white vinegar, or baking soda.
  • Let the clothing air dry and then see if the stain is gone. Don’t dry your clothing after the wash; the heat could set any remaining stain.
  • If the stain is gone, wash and dry your clothing like you usually would.
  • If you still see the blood stain, scrub it again with hydrogen peroxide and repeat the washing instructions above.

How to remove juice stains naturally

Drinks spill all of the time, and fruit juice stains are some of the most difficult to clean…especially grape juice! These stains can still be removed though!

Method taken from Stain Solutions

  1. Soak for 15 minutes in mixture of one quart lukewarm water, one-half teaspoon liquid hand dishwashing detergent and one tablespoon white vinegar. Rinse.
  2. Sponge with rubbing alcohol, using light motions from center to edge of stain.
  3. Soak for 30 minutes in one quart warm water with one tablespoon enzyme presoak products.
  4. If color stain remains, launder in chlorine bleach if safe for the fabric, or in oxygen bleach.

How to remove butter stains naturally

Greasy foods make for some messy times and messy means spills! Now worries, butter stains aren’t as hard to remove as you thought!

Method taken from The Maids

  • Blot or scrape away as much of the butter as you can from the surface you are trying to remove the stain from.
  • Pour baking soda onto the stain and gently rub it into the stain. Let the baking soda sit for 15 minutes to absorb the oils from the butter.
  • Scrape away the baking soda and repeat the step above until no more oil is being absorbed.
  • Pat the stained area dry with a clean white cloth and then vacuum up the remaining baking soda.

Helpful hints on removing stains from different kinds of fabrics

The porosity and structure of different fabrics can alter the way they stain and influence what you use to remove stains! Here are some interesting tidbits from Art of Manliness.

Cotton: can endure soaking, drying, and heat (though you want to avoid the latter for most stains — warm water is fine, but dry heat just sets the stain). It’s easy to bleach white cotton, but very hard on the fabric, so use chlorine bleaches as a last resort, and dilute them well. The best stain treatments for cotton are detergents and light acids (lemon juice, vinegar, etc.).

Wool: is much more heat-sensitive than cotton, and needs to be treated gently. You can soak it, but you have to lay it flat as it dries to prevent distortion. Use only wool-safe detergents and lukewarm (not hot) water — bleaches and acidic treatments will damage the wool permanently. Treat with water or a wool detergent as soon as possible, and then get the garment to the dry cleaner at the first opportunity.

Synthetics: vary depending on the material. Rayon and polyester can be washed and scrubbed more harshly than cotton, but will be destroyed by oxidizing bleaches like hydrogen peroxide. It’s usually best to clean them with a standard laundry detergent, or with dish soap for grease-heavy stains.

Silk: is exceedingly temperamental. You can treat stains on silk with water, but rather than letting the wet spot dry on its own, rinse the whole garment thoroughly — otherwise you’ll get water spotting, nearly as bad as the original stain. Glycerin stain remover is also effective and neutral.

Of course, if none of these methods work you can always just give our Kitchen Salt and Spice Bar a try!

Much love,


The Natural Benefits of Honey For Your Skin and Hair

Honey has a multitude of natural benefits for your skin and hair. It soothes, protects, cleans and helps the natural hydration process. There are tons of ways you can utilize honey in your skincare and haircare routine and we’ve made it simple for you to have options with honey in your skincare and haircare routines by including honey as an ingredient in some of our natural shampoos and natural soaps.

The Natural Benefits of Honey For Skin

Honey as a natural antibiotic makes it a great and gentle cleanser for your skin. The natural properties of honey are released when they come in contact with skin, which is when the antiseptic component is activated.

The acids in honey act as a natural exfoliant for your skin. They remove dead skin cells, which allows new skin to breathe. This natural exfoliation process makes skin tone appear more even. This occurs on the scalp too, which promotes hair growth.

Our Honey Carrot and Tangerine Face and Body Bar contains honey and is wildly popular with customers for its amazing smell and its success for leaving skin soft and clean!

“Made with freshly juiced, organic carrots instead of filtered water, this gorgeous, vitamin A packed bar will nourish your skin. Perfect for your face and all over too! Raw honey acts as a humectant, trapping moisture in your skin cells, and rich, emollient oils and butters will leave your skin soft and silky.”

The Natural Benefits of Honey for Hair

Honey is a humectant which means it draws or attracts moisture. This is a fantastic way to hydrate your hair and when coupled with a sealant that will lock in the moisture…you’ve got a great nourishing routine for your hair. 

Our Hemp and Honey Shampoo Bar is the perfect humectant and oil combo for your hair…especially curly hair! Formulated with loads of organic hemp seed oil, this shampoo bar deeply moisturizes both hair and scalp with a thick sudsy lather while the ingredients impart a multitude of fantastic benefits. The perfect bar for those who suffer from scalp issues, or have fine hair.

Hemp products are continually making headlines in the beauty community for their fantastic benefits for the body! Check out our whole Hemp collection here on sale now!

DIY Honey Hair Mask

This DIY hair mask is a popular but simple two -ingredient journey to shiny, radiant hair. I would always get compliments after I had used this hair mask!

Simply combine ½ cup honey and ¼ cup olive oil in the microwave for 10-15 seconds so it is warm, stir to blend and apply roots to tips. I like to wrap my hair in a showercap to hold in the heat and let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes. Then wash hair as usual making ure to rinse out the mixture completely so you aren’t left with greasy hair!

For more honey hair masks, check out this website!

What kind of honey is best for using on your hair and face?

Use raw honey or manuka honey and avoid refined honey if possible! 

Much Love,
